Hello, I have two files: ```yml # a.yml paths: /a1: description: Taken from a.yml. /a2: description: Taken from a.yml. ``` and ```yml # b.yml paths: /b1: description: Taken from b.yml....
Eksport do CLF4 nie działa prawidłowo w przypadku wież LTE ze względu na literówkę w szablonie (`cig_long`). Oprócz tego problemu zauważyłem też, że https://sites.google.com/site/clfgmon/clf4 definiuje 16 pól dla tego formatu,...
Dzień dobry, próbowałem wyeksportować dane w następującej formie: http://beta.btsearch.pl/bts/export/download?region=1®ion=2®ion=3®ion=4®ion=5®ion=6®ion=7®ion=8®ion=9®ion=10®ion=11®ion=12®ion=13®ion=14®ion=15®ion=16&csrfmiddlewaretoken=atL2zCtSSD1TusbMITrwN24LcdfYPiXb&output_format=4.0&network=26003, ale serwer zwraca błąd 504 Gateway Timeout. Chciałbym użyć tych danych do poprawy lokalizacji stacji bazowych w bazach OpenCellId/Mozilla Location Services....
I would like to add support for openapi in my configuration. I've found this snippet ```viml let g:tagbar_type_yaml = { \ 'ctagstype': 'openapi', \ 'kinds': [ \ 'p:path', \ 'd:schema',...
- [X] Include the VimWiki settings from your `.vimrc` ```viml " min.vim filetype indent plugin on syntax on call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/plugged') Plug 'https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki', { 'branch': 'dev' } let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path':...
Hello, for file ```markdown # Bug report ## Description Description header is not detected. # Workaround ## Description Add an empty line before the header. ``` vim-pandoc-syntax conceals it to...
A clear and concise description of: 1. What would be nice to have Option to load into vim buffer lines run in jupyter console 2. Why it must be added...
Hello, I wonder how difficult it would be to prepare non-JPA variant of this library. In my case, I need to perform query such as `SELECT * FROM functioncall(argument) WHERE...
Hi, I would like to ask if you can add CSS validation (available under http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/). I guess it should be quite easy to do so, since this tool work in...
I think [Scripts/menu](https://github.com/ptitSeb/Serious-Engine/tree/master/Scripts/menu) should be capitalized, since I get following error when I enter rendering options with ssam-tfe engine: ``` Cannot open /usr/share/serious-engine-git/Scripts/Menu/RenderingOptions.cfg ```