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Using tags made with addFunction(Smart) not usable when nested.
I found this bug
When you create your own function with addFunction or addFunctionSmart and like to use the results in another fenom tag/function, i get errors
This is Fenom and PHP version and environment (server/fpm/cli etc) I am using
I use Fenom parser in MODx on php7.4
This is the function in my class
public function getHolderByVakgebied($vakgebied): ?string {
if ($website_config_resource = $this->modx->getObject('modResource', $this->modx->getOption('website_config_id'))) {
if (!empty($website_config_resource->getTvValue('vakgebied_' . $vakgebied))) {
return $website_config_resource->getTvValue('vakgebied_' . $vakgebied);
if (!empty($website_config_resource->getTvValue('vakgebied_default'))) {
return $website_config_resource->getTvValue('vakgebied_default');
return 'No holder found for: ' . $vakgebied.' Config resource id: '. $this->modx->getOption('website_config_id');
This is a plugin code snippet I use to add the tag
$fenom->addFunction("getHolderByVakgebied", [$modx->adwUbeeo, 'getHolderByVakgebied']);
Calling this as: {getHolderByVakgebied $_modx->resource.ubeeo_vakgebied}
works fine. but using it like this:
{foreach json_decode(getHolderByVakgebied $_modx->resource.ubeeo_vakgebied, true) as $block index=$index}
does not work and gives errors, I also tryed to set it as a variable first like this:
{var $blocks = getHolderByVakgebied $_modx->resource.ubeeo_vakgebied}
same errors.
This function uses $this->modx->..., so I can not make it static...
The only way I got this to work on my tests is to allow php in tags and skip the whole addFuction part and call the function directly, but that is not so safe I think:
{foreach json_decode($modx->adwUbeeo->getHolderByVakgebied($_modx->resource.ubeeo_vakgebied), true) as $block index=$index}
but that works fine.