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Open GawinHong opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

周老师,你好 P449书中原文(规则1









我最终的看法是 规则1说明的是:read->load->use三个操作必须【连续】 规则2说明的是:assign->store->write三个操作必须【连续】

原因: 规则2必须满足否则规则3无法满足(我列举过规则3的AB对应的所有情况,规则2必须是成立的)

举例: 如果 A动作是 assign assign V-> store V-> write V B动作也是是 asssign assign W-> store W-> write W

如果A先于B,假设规则2不成立 可能就有 assign V【A】-> store V-> assign W【B】-> store W-> write W【Q】-> write V【P】

看出P是晚于Q的,"那么P先于Q"不成立,所以规则3要成立,规则2必须要成立的,这样store V和write V直接就不会插入assign W的操作



GawinHong avatar Nov 05 '20 13:11 GawinHong


请先看下这段文字的原始材料来源,12.3小节开篇的脚注中有提到,它来自于JVMS6的“Threads and Locks”一节,这里给出较旧的版本是因为JMM相关的内容在JVMS7之后就移出去,以独立JSR形式存在了,但内容并未变化。

Rules for volatile Variables If a variable is declared volatile, then additional constraints apply to the operations of each thread. Let T be a thread and let V and W be volatile variables.

  • A use operation by T on V is permitted only if the previous operation by T on V was load, and a load operation by T on V is permitted only if the next operation by T on V is use. The use operation is said to be "associated" with the read operation that corresponds to the load.
  • A store operation by T on V is permitted only if the previous operation by T on V was assign, and an assign operation by T on V is permitted only if the next operation by T on V is store. The assign operation is said to be "associated" with the write operation that corresponds to the store.
  • Let action A be a use or assign by thread T on variable V, let action F be the load or store associated with A, and let action P be the read or write of V that corresponds to F. Similarly, let action B be a use or assign by thread T on variable W, let action G be the load or store associated with B, and let action Q be the read or write of W that corresponds to G. If A precedes B, then P must precede Q. (Less formally: operations on the master copies of volatile variables on behalf of a thread are performed by the main memory in exactly the order that the thread requested.)

将“is said to be”翻译为“可以认为”是否妥当,作为一个语文问题先暂时搁置。后一句的“连续且一起”也是有前提“线程T对变量V的”的,并不推导出中间不能插入指令的结论。

我认为以上并不是理解偏差的关键,关键是: volatile特殊规定的关注点不在于中间能不能插入别的指令,它强调的是说每一个use操作都要对应一个read/load操作,即不允许把volatile变量中read/load到工作内存后,反复地多次use给执行引擎,而对于普通变量是允许这样做的。

fenixsoft avatar Nov 06 '20 03:11 fenixsoft