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A MongoDB bridge written in C# for Godot Engine Mono projects.

Godot Engine - MongoDB Bridge
A MongoDB bridge written in C# for Godot Engine mono projects.
- How does it work?
- What is MongoDB?
- What is NuGet and why do I need it?
- Why can I only use this plugin with the Mono version?
- Table of Features
- Some examples
How does it work?
MongoDB Bridge is a collection of scripts written in C# which interface MongoDB APIs to work with a MongoDB database even with GDScript. To make this plugin work:
- install MongoDB on your local machine (or remote machine),
- install NuGet,
- install this repository as a common Godot Engine addon, using the AssetLibrary or just cloning this repo in your mono project,
- edit your
, adding after the line including<Reference Include="System" />
the following:
<PackageReference Include="MongoDB.Driver">
<PackageReference Include="MongoDB.Driver.Core">
<PackageReference Include="MongoDB.Bson">
- use the command
nuget restore
via a command line at your choice
What is MongoDB?
MongoDB is a document database, which means it stores data in JSON-like documents called BSON.
BSON is a binary serialization format used to store documents and make remote procedure calls in MongoDB.
The BSON specification is located at bsonspec.org.
Read more aboute MongoDB here.

What is NuGet and why do I need it?
NuGet is the package manager for .NET. The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers.
NuGet is required to correctly download and implement dipendencies in C# projects just referencing them in the .csproj
file with a <PackageReference>
:grey_question: Why can I only use this plugin with the Mono version?
Even though Godot Engine currently supports Cross-Language Scripting without the need of a .mono project, .cs files in this addon intensively rely on MongoDB
In order to compile these packages and build the project, a mono project is required. Otherwise, a C++ module implementing MongoDB APIs should be compiled, but that's not the case (even though it is something I'm working on).
But note, this doesn't mean you need to write your whole project in C# if you want to use MongoDB APIs: this is why I made this bridge, indeed.
MongoDB Bridge lets you write your whole project in GDScript without caring too much about C# stuff, and still access to all main functionalities you would have directly working with MongoDB C# Drivers.

Table of Features
Class | Description |
MongoAPI |
Instance of the API to initialize the Bridge and connect to a MongoDB server |
MongoClient |
Instance of a client connected to a specific server, containing a set of databases |
MongoDatabase |
Instance of a single database containing multiple collections of documents |
MongoCollection |
Instance of a collection of BSON/JSON documents |
Method | Type | Description |
Connect(hostIp : String) |
MongoClient |
Connect to a server in order to retrieve a client. You can get the default hostIp with MongoAPI.host , which is mongodb:// |
Connect(hostIp : String, checkSslCertificate : Bool) |
MongoClient |
Connect to a server in order to retrieve a client. If checkSslCertificate is set to false mongodb will connect without verifying SSL certificates |
Method | Type | Description |
GetDatabaseList() |
Array<Dictionary> |
Return an Array of different Dictionary containing all databases belonging to the MongoClient connected |
GetDatabaseNameList() |
Array<String> |
Return an Array of different String containing all databases' names belonging to the MongoClient connected |
GetDatabase(database_name : String) |
MongoDatabase |
Return a specific MongoDatabase by its name |
Method | Type | Description |
GetCollectionsList() |
Array<String> |
Return an Array of different String representing all collections contained in the specified database |
GetCollectionsNameList() |
Array<String> |
Return an Array of different String containing all collections' names contained in the specified database |
GetCollection(collection_name : String) |
MongoCollection |
Return a specific MongoCollection inside the database by its name |
CreateCollection(collection_name : String) |
MongoCollection |
Create a new MongoCollection and return it |
DropCollection(collection_name : String) |
void |
Drop a specific MongoCollection |
Method | Type | Description |
GetDocuments() |
Array<Dictionary> |
Return an Array of different Dictionary representing a single document. The Dictionary is a serialization of a BSON document parsed to a GDScript JSON |
InsertDocument(document : Dictionary, _id : String) |
void |
Insert a BSON document in the collection, parsed by a GDScript Dictionary . note: the _id is not mandatory, but it always needs to be null ,"" or " " if you don't want to define an _id |
InsertManyDocuments(document_list : Array<Dictionary>) |
void |
Insert multiple BSON documents in the collection, parsed by an Array of GDScript different Dictionary |
CountDocuments() |
int |
Count the number of Documents in the MongoCollection |
GetDocument(_id : String) |
Dictionary |
Return a specific document as a Dictionary |
FindDocumentsBy(key : String, value : String) |
Array<Dictionary> |
Return an Array of different Dictionary representing the documents that respect the query with the specified key and value |
UpdateDocumentBy(key : String, oldValue : String, newValue : String) |
void |
Update the first document found with a key:value query, replacing the oldValue with the newValue |
UpdateDocumentsBy(key : String, oldValue : String, newValue : String) |
void |
Update all the documents found with a key:value query, replacing the oldValue with the newValue in each one of them |
DeleteDocumentBy(key : String, value : String) |
void |
Delete the first document found with a key:value query |
DeleteDocumentByID(String id) |
void |
Delete the first document found with an _id query |
DeleteDocumentsBy(key : String, value : String) |
void |
Delete all the documents found with a key:value query |
ReplaceOne(key : String, value : String, replacement_document : Dictionary) |
void |
Replace document found with a key:value query |
ReplaceOneByID(id : String, replacement_document : Dictionary) |
void |
Replace document found with an _id query |
Some examples
var client : MongoClient = MongoAPI.Connect(MongoAPI.host);
var database_list : Array = client.GetDatabaseList();
var database_namelist : Array = client.GetDatabaseNameList();
var database : MongoDatabase = client.GetDatabase(database_namelist[2]);
var collections_namelist : Array = database.GetCollectionsNameList();
var collection : MongoCollection = database.GetCollection(collections_namelist[0]);
var documents_list : Array = collection.GetDocuments();
var document : Dictionary = documents_list[0];