Results 101 issues of MO

- 移除 useEffect 等在服务端不执行的代码,再移除无用的 import - 增加用户配置,修改构建 SSR 时 @babel/preset-env 插件中 targets.node 版本,减少 babel 的语法转换 - 实际使用中,部分场景 platform-loader 没有生效

跳转代码已对 url 做 encode ```js import navigate from 'universal-navigate' navigate.push( { url: '/pages/webview/index?url=' + encodeURIComponent( url ) } ) ``` 在另一个页面获取 searchParams ```js import { getSearchParams } from 'rax-app' return...


It's `placement` in tippy.js 2.x See:

**Environments:** - Prettier Version: 2.2.1 - Running Prettier via: Both Node.js API and Browser API - Runtime: NodeJS v12.19.0, Chrome v89 - Operating System: macOS **Steps to reproduce:** ```bash git...

type:editor support
status:needs investigation



```js msg.split('__Messenger__'); ``` 如果msg.data是空字符串,msg.split会报错

支持解析自定义 css 单位,比如小程序中的 rpx 单位,文档和测试用例都已经补上 **命令行调用的方式为** ```bash mcss index.mcss --units rpx,px2 ``` 以逗号分隔 **编程或配置的方式为** ```json { "units": [ "rpx" ] } ``` 另外修复了一个小问题: 这里第三个参数是 true,导致 `mcss.json` 配置文件的权重大于命令行的权重,覆盖命令行的参数

Most critical css tools generate static css from static html and static css But when it comes to SSR, most pages are personalized, and the critical css is dynamically generated...

`compiler.hooks.failed` should be used to report failed compilation. I will send a PR when I have time

If there are some warnings after compiling, **time is hidden from user** unless we fixes all the warnings