Fengyuan Chen
Fengyuan Chen
Here is an old example from the early jQuery version: [Use Cropper with CamanJS](https://codepen.io/cfy/pen/wMrVQY).
Currently, for browsers that support the `image-orientation` property, you should **NOT** set it to `none`, but `from-image`.
Or you might remove the Exif Orientation info before applying to the Cropper.js.
I still have not a good idea or solution for this currently. I still search for a well cross-browser solution about [`image-orientation`](https://caniuse.com/#search=image-orientation). Thanks!
Can you provide an online demo for debugging?
Not support that currently. I will think about this in the future. Thanks.
The Viewer.js may not be a good solution for a big list of images currently. A lot of improvements should be done in this case.
这种情况应该是 image 元素触发了 `load` 事件,但是 `image.naturalWidth/Height` 却都是 `0`。检查一下原图片看看。