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FaWave shortcuts
Base on Keypress.
Support vim basic shortcuts.
Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
- i: show text input. Hide it when it opened.
- m: show shortcuts cheat sheet.
- esc: exit the input mode, close the opening dialog and preview popbox.
- < or >: change user
- shift + (1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 6): top 7 user from left to right
- shift + (0, 9, 8, 7): top 4 user from right to left, zero meaning last user
Timeline View
- h: left tab
- l: right tab
- j: down, next status view
- k: up, prev status view
- ctrl + f: next timeline page
- ctrl + b: prev timeline page
- shift + g: go to the bottom
- g + g: go to the top
- shift + r: refresh current tab
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: change tab from left to right, top 5
- 0, 9, 8, 7: change tab from right to left, top 4, zero meaning the last tab
- s + c: show status comments
- s + r: show status reposts
- s + o + c: show original status comments
- s + o + r: show original status reposts
- s + p: show preview current status's photo, including repost.
Comment list Paging
- ctrl + n: next page
- ctrl + p: prev page
- a + c: add comment for current status
- a + r: add repost for current status
- a + f: add favorite
- a + d: add direct message to current status' user
- -: rt current status
- -: show current status's user timeline
- -: show current status's repost status's user timeline
- -: show my user timeline
add m for cheat sheet.