Raspberry-Pi-Dashboard copied to clipboard
Voltage not showing
Hi thank you for the App, is wonderfull! Only an issue, i can't see the voltage of my Raspberry pi :(
its shows blank as you can see. These are my Raspberry Pi information:
Model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
The command used in PHP to show the voltage its working fine in shell:
Hi @juanrarodriguez18, thank you very much for using the dashboard and creating this issue!
Based on your report I would assume the following problem: Since the vcgencmd command (which apparently works well for you in shell) is a system command that requires certain hardware rights. Specifically this is achived by adding the current user to a system group called video, which the standard user pi is part of by default. Therefore you would just need to run the following command, that I run in order to get it to work on my system (which is exactly the same as yours):
sudo usermod -aG video www-data
(assuming the webserver is running under www-data user)
Feel free to share other experiences and your ideas, so that I can improve the dashboard accordingly. Thank you! Nice to hear that there are finally some people out there, who discovered my project.
Soon there will be a new release v0.6 addressing this issue in which I will add instructions for this.
Solved! It works like a charm :). Yes please, add to the next release, good Job!
Same Problem but in my case that usermod-command doesn't solved that issue.
One reason for this error could be, that I'm using a docker Web Server(Apache). So my Dashboard isn't located at /var/www/html but at /home/user/dapache2/www/.
And Thank you for that great Dashboard 👏
I will have a look on your configuration circumstances @m-krebs - will get back on this soon!
Any updates on this? Does the problem persist?
Unfortunately hadn't the time to try it again, but I will in the next days and answer you for sure.