Marionette copied to clipboard
Concise and type safe CALayer animations
Concise and type safe CALayer
Let's start with an example demonstrating how to move a layer from (50, 50)
to (150, 150)
while also changing its background color from red to blue:
animate(layer, duration: 5, timingFunction: .EaseInEaseOut) { layer in
layer.position ~= CGPointMake(50, 50) ... CGPointMake(150, 150)
layer.backgroundColor ~= UIColor.redColor().CGColor ... UIColor.blueColor().CGColor
which is equivalent to:
let positionAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "position")
positionAnimation.fromValue = NSValue(CGPoint: CGPointMake(50, 50))
positionAnimation.toValue = NSValue(CGPoint: CGPointMake(150, 150))
let backgroundColorAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "backgroundColor")
backgroundColorAnimation.fromValue = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
backgroundColorAnimation.toValue = UIColor.blueColor().CGColor
let animationGroup = CAAnimationGroup()
animationGroup.animations = [positionAnimation, backgroundColorAnimation]
animationGroup.duration = 5
animationGroup.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut)
layer.addAnimation(animationGroup, forKey: nil)
Carthage is a simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa.
- Add Marionette to your Cartfile:
github "felixjendrusch/Marionette" ~> 0.2
carthage update
to fetch and build Marionette and its dependencies.
The animate
function takes your CALayer
as well as a closure in which you create the animations for your layer:
animate(layer) { layer in
layer.cornerRadius ~= 0 ... 10
If you create more than one animation inside the closure, they are grouped together using CAAnimationGroup
. Optionally, animate
takes a duration and timing function to configure this group:
animate(layer, duration: 5, timingFunction: .EaseInEaseOut) { layer in
layer.shadowOpacity ~= 0 ... 0.5
layer.shadowOffset ~= CGSizeMake(0, 0) ... CGSizeMake(0, -3)
Animations are automatically added to your layer. animate
also takes an optional key to be used when adding your animations:
animate(layer, key: "boundsChange", block: { layer in
layer.bounds ~= CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100) ... CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 50)
Setting a timing function per animation is also very easy:
layer.opacity ~= (1 ... 0) ~ .EaseOut
It's recommended to always specify from
and to
values using the standard range syntax from ... to
, but you can also specify just one using from...
. by
values are supported as well:
layer.borderWidth ~= BasicAnimation(fromValue: 0, byValue: 2)
Besides being very concise, type safety is also ensured. Several enums are provided to work with fill modes, media timing functions and value functions:
let animation = BasicAnimation(toValue: 1, byValue 0.5)
animation.fillMode = .Both
layer.position ~= animation // won't compile
Keyframe animations are supported too:
layer.opacity ~= [(0, 0), (0.5, 1), (1, 0)] ~ .EaseInEaseOut
The transaction
and transactionWithDuration
functions can be used to ease working with CATransaction
transactionWithDuration(5, timingFunction: .EaseIn) {
animate(...) { ... }
Supported properties
The following animatable properties are supported on CALayer
, position
, zPosition
, anchorPoint
, anchorPointZ
, transform
, hidden
, doubleSided
, sublayerTransform
, masksToBounds
, contents
, contentsRect
, contentsScale
, contentsCenter
, minificationFilterBias
, backgroundColor
, cornerRadius
, borderWidth
, borderColor
, opacity
, composingFilter
, filters
, backgroundFilters
, shouldRasterize
, rasterizationScale
, shadowColor
, shadowOpacity
, shadowOffset
, shadowRadius
, shadowPath
Properties specific to CALayer
subclasses are not yet supported.
Behind the proxy
Marionette uses a proxy object and custom operator functions similar to Cartography.