Felix Hao

Results 68 comments of Felix Hao

This was my first thought when I started this project. However, given how many machine/platform/C++ specific behaviors exist in C++, most of the operations need to done with complex logic....

You guys are right. Emscripten runs offline since it requires a local C++ compiler to generate LLVM for it first. Although they seem to have an example of [Emscriptened Clang...

Most object-oriented features are not implemented yet.

目前项目只实现了[一小部分标准头文件](https://github.com/felixhao28/JSCPP/tree/master/src/includes),其中确实没有包含 stdint.h。 如果你需要的话可以自己去实现,模仿上面那个链接里的其它头文件去写就行。一般来说倒也不难写,就是所有的值都会用`{t: ..., v:...}`的结构包装了一下,所以写起来有点啰嗦,特别是涉及指针的时候。具体的结构可用参考[说明文档](https://github.com/felixhao28/JSCPP/blob/master/CONTRIBUTE.md#design-details)。还有问题的话问我就行。 默认可用的头文件在 [src/launcher.ts](https://github.com/felixhao28/JSCPP/blob/master/src/launcher.ts#L11-L21) 里,记得加上之后再用JSCPP.run。 如果你实现好了可以发个PR,这样以后别人也能用上stdint.h了。:yum:



我仔细看了一下,实际上之前实现了typedef,甚至还有[测试](https://github.com/felixhao28/JSCPP/blob/master/test/typedef.cpp)。所以理论上直接这样就行: ```ts rt.registerTypedef(rt.unsignedcharTypeLiteral, "uint8_t"); ```

gh-pages is already public at `https://github.com/felixhao28/JSCPP/tree/gh-pages`. Feel free to send a PR. : )

Thanks. Somehow I missed that part in readme. In our experiment, we arbitrarily set `p=0.5` but the loss stopped decreasing after a few epochs. Then we completely removed `self.B` and...

In my case, user needs to choose a data point from the chart and then perform actions on it. Currently when user left click on the chart, the focus lines...