@123chengbo I have the same problem with you , do you find the cause of this problem?Looking forward to your reply!
@daodaofr I encountered the same problem, and my image size is 720*1280,and the yolo also works bad,how do you solve this problem? thanks
@nqanh Thanks for you share! Very nice work,but how to make .sm file? Can you also share a example then i can make my own data?
@nqanh Thanks for you reply!Another question,how to ensure the mask which is very small can be detected?
@nqanh Ok ,thanks! The Mask RCNN use FPN as feature extra model , but in this project,i can't fint the implement of FPN,is there any information about FPN?
Can I use which [model](https://github.com/yl-1993/hfsoftmax/wiki) you provide to extract face features and then use the clustering model(pretrained_gcn_d.pth.tar) you provide to process my own images?
> @felixfuu You can use `resnet50-softmax` as the feature extractor. (It is a little different with the feature extractor used to train the clustering model. If there is a big...
The result of my experiment is not very good. i used 940 faces (many of the same ids) to cluster out 900 labels. Almost every picture has a label. @yl-1993
@yl-1993 I use resnet50-softmax as the feature extractor, and follow the pipeline in sctipts/pipeline.sh. Is there an error in this process?
@yl-1993 According to your suggestion, I visualize the cluster proposals and the result of clustering is not good, so it should be the reason of the feature. In my experiment,...