cli-highlight copied to clipboard
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: value.replace is not a function
const newdb ={
id : results[i].tb_email_reminder_2004_id,
tgl : results[i].tgl_proses,
jenis: results[i].jenis_surat_email,
minpem: results[i].min_pembayaran,
total : results[i].total_tagihan,
jatuhtem: results[i].jatuh_tempo,
email: results[i].email,
car_no: results[i].card_no,
status: results[i].status
so there is anyway to fix it ?
Is that code that you tried to highlight? Please provide some more details of what you tried to do.
Is that code that you tried to highlight? Please provide some more details of what you tried to do.
yes , i means i wanna higlight the array , that's possible ?
same error using in angular