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A Material Design based admin template.
Aero Admin
Aero Admin is a Material Design based admin template. Using the Materialize CSS framework, we provide a clean and customizable dashboard to meet all your needs. Aero Admin was developed with passion to another passionate developers.
Tips and suggestions are welcome, please contact me!
Click here to see the demo.
- Material design template
- Clean and beautiful
- Responsive
- Fully customizable
- Built with Materialize CSS
- Uses SASS, Gulp and Bower
- jQuery v2.2.4
- Includes an CRUD app
- Examples of code
v1.0.5 - Jan 02, 2017
- Updated: Materialize CSS version - 0.97.8
- Refactored Modal plugin
- Tabs now supported in navbar
- Chips data can now be reinitiailized
v1.0.4 - Aug 11, 2016
- Added: Pages -> Blank
- Improved: Responsive login form
- Improved: oAuth authentication on login form - social media buttons
- Added: Fixed navbar
- Added: integration with Select2 in CRUD application
- Updated: Materialize CSS version - 0.97.7
- Improved: Components -> Chips
- Improved: Javascript -> Pushpin
- Added: autocomplete on Components -> Forms
- Added: horizontal card on Components -> Cards
v1.0.3 - Jul 15, 2016
- Added: APPs -> Maps
- Added: APPs -> Charts
- Improved: search forms on panels - example: Dashboard -> Todo List
v1.0.2 - Jun 22, 2016
- Added: APPs -> Pricing Table
- Added: CSS -> Sass
- Added: CSS -> Shadow
- Improved: better organization of sections and modules
- Moved: DataTables integration to APPs -> DataTables
- Moved: all forms modules to Components -> Forms
v1.0.1 - Jun 19, 2016
- Added: integration with jQuery File Upload in CRUD application
- Improved: inclusion of 'bower_components' folder in main file
- Improved: inclusion of CSS files(generated with SASS) in main file
- Improved: documentation inside the template
- Improved: nav and footer looks better in low resolutions