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File handles are not closed in readtable
I'm hitting a file handle leak very consistently when calling XLSX.readtable
Steps to reproduce:
julia> using XLSX
for i in 1:1000
XLSX.readtable("data.xlsx", 1)
ERROR: SystemError: opening file "data.xlsx": Too many open files
[1] systemerror(p::String, errno::Int32; extrainfo::Nothing)
@ Base ./error.jl:168
[2] #systemerror#62
@ ./error.jl:167 [inlined]
[3] systemerror
@ ./error.jl:167 [inlined]
[4] open(fname::String; lock::Bool, read::Nothing, write::Nothing, create::Nothing, truncate::Nothing, append::Nothing)
@ Base ./iostream.jl:293
[5] open
@ ./iostream.jl:282 [inlined]
[6] ZipFile.Reader(filename::String)
@ ZipFile ~/.julia/packages/ZipFile/fdYkP/src/ZipFile.jl:118
[7] open_internal_file_stream
@ ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/stream.jl:48 [inlined]
[8] iterate(itr::XLSX.SheetRowStreamIterator, state::Nothing)
@ XLSX ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/stream.jl:80
[9] iterate
@ ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/stream.jl:75 [inlined]
[10] find_row(itr::XLSX.SheetRowStreamIterator, row::Int64)
@ XLSX ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/stream.jl:256
[11] eachtablerow(sheet::XLSX.Worksheet, cols::XLSX.ColumnRange; first_row::Int64, column_labels::Nothing, header::Bool, stop_in_empty_row::Bool, stop_in_row_function::Nothing)
@ XLSX ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/table.jl:107
[12] eachtablerow(sheet::XLSX.Worksheet; first_row::Nothing, column_labels::Nothing, header::Bool, stop_in_empty_row::Bool, stop_in_row_function::Nothing)
@ XLSX ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/table.jl:160
[13] gettable(sheet::XLSX.Worksheet; first_row::Nothing, column_labels::Nothing, header::Bool, infer_eltypes::Bool, stop_in_empty_row::Bool, stop_in_row_function::Nothing)
@ XLSX ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/table.jl:520
[14] #23
@ ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/read.jl:574 [inlined]
[15] openxlsx(f::XLSX.var"#23#24"{Nothing, Nothing, Bool, Bool, Bool, Nothing, Int64}, filepath::String; mode::String, enable_cache::Bool)
@ XLSX ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/read.jl:129
[16] #readtable#22
@ ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/read.jl:573 [inlined]
[17] readtable
@ ~/.julia/packages/XLSX/cRAtd/src/read.jl:573 [inlined]
[18] top-level scope
@ ./REPL[1]:3
The file data.xls
has two rows and one column which contain 1
(A1) and 2
(A2). For whatever reason, I was not able to reproduce with 1 row.
I'm using XLSX v0.7.6 with Julia v1.6 on a Mac. This probably doesn't happen on Windows because of this line: https://github.com/felipenoris/XLSX.jl/blob/master/src/read.jl#L140
I made that call apply to all systems and the problem stopped happening.
@daniel-thom please check if the fix on the master branch fixes your issue.
Yes, the issue no longer occurs.
@felipenoris I traced through the code and understand why this issue occurs. It's tied to Base.iterate(itr::SheetRowStreamIterator, state::Union{Nothing, SheetRowStreamIteratorState}=nothing)
. The first time the function is called it opens a file handle for a ZipFile.Reader
. The reader is only closed when the iterator finds the end. In my opinion, this is not a great idea. Someone using the iterator may exit early, leaving the file handle open. The ZipFile.Reader
does implement a finalizer to close the handle, but you have no control over when that runs (GC).
The function readtable(filepath::AbstractString, sheet::Union{AbstractString, Int}, ...)
calls gettable(getsheet(xf, sheet), ...)
which calls eachtablerow(sheet::Worksheet, ...)
. This results in three independent iterations over a SheetRowStreamIterator
. The first two exit early. Only the last is closed. So, one call to readtable
will leak two open file handles (unless there is only one row) until GC runs.
- https://github.com/felipenoris/XLSX.jl/blob/master/src/table.jl#L140
- https://github.com/felipenoris/XLSX.jl/blob/master/src/table.jl#L99
- https://github.com/felipenoris/XLSX.jl/blob/master/src/table.jl#L128