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Request parameters validations, type coercion and filtering for Rails params
Request parameters validations, type coercion and filtering for Rails params
Validates the request params outside your controller logic in order to get a clean nice code, and also working as code documentation for the operations. It ensure that all endpoints input data is right and well formed before it even hits your controller action.
This gem allows you to validate the presence, type, length, format, value and more, of your request parameters. It also coerces the params to the specified type and filter the hash to only those you expect to receive.
It is designed to work for any expected params structure, from a simple hash to a complex one with deeply nested data. It pretends to be a flexible library where you can change and customize several options.
It is intended for REST-like Ruby on Rails APIs.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'request_params_validation'
And then execute bundle install
from your shell.
Or, if you want to install it manually, run:
gem install request_params_validation
To start using the gem without setting up any configuration is as simple as adding a
with the helper method validate_params!
and define your expected request
parameters for your resources actions.
The approach of this gem is to have, for each controller file, a definition file. This definitions
files is where it should be all data related to the endpoints of your API. This works as code
documentation and allows to keep controllers code clean, ensuring that params
object will
always have the parameters you suppose to receive.
The default path for the definitions files is app/definitions
, and their names should be the same
as their respective controller's name, but ending with the suffix _definition
. They should also
respect the folder structure of the controllers folder. Please see the following project structure
to clarify the idea:
├── app
│ ├── controllers
│ │ ├── commerces
| | | └── branches_controller.rb
| | |
| | ├── transactions_controller.rb
│ │ └── users_controller.rb
| |
│ ├── definitions
│ │ ├── commerces
| | | └── branches_definition.rb
| | |
| | ├── transactions_definition.rb
│ │ └── users_definition.rb
│ └── ...
└── ...
This gem comes with a set of configurable options allowing you to customize it to your needs.
For example, you can change the default helper method validate_params!
for whatever name you
want. You can also change the default path folder for the definitions app/definitions
and even
the suffix _definition
of the file names. Here you can see all
globals configuration options
Add the before_action
callback for all actions:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_action :validate_params!
Imagine we have the following resource and we want to define the params for the action create
and notify
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def create
params # will have only the defined parameters
def notify
params # will have only the defined parameters
def another_action
params # will have whatever the user sends
Then, we will need to create the definition for the users
# app/definitions/users_definition.rb
RequestParamsValidation.define do
action :create do
request do
required :user, type: :hash do
required :first_name, type: :string
required :last_name, type: :string
required :emails, type: :array, elements: :email
required :birth_date,
type: :datetime,
validate: lambda { |value| value <= 18.years.ago.to_date }
action :notify do
request do
required :user_id, type: :integer
required :message, type: :string, length: { min: 10, max: 250 }
optional :by, inclusion: %w(email text_msg push), default: :email
The above definition is just a silly example, but is good enough to explain some important things.
The first thing to say is, as we already mentioned, that each controller file matches with a
definition file with the same name and path of it, as you can see in the first line of the example
above. Be aware that if the definition file doesn't exist for a controller, then the gem will not
validate any param, unless you change this behavior with the global configuration option
. Here you can see all globals
configuration options.
As you might notice, the method RequestParamsValidation.define
allow you to define a
resource/controller. Notice that the resource you are defining is given by the current
definition file path/name. After defining the resource, you can continue defining the
actions for that resource with the action
method. Then, for each action you can define the
request using the request
method, and there is where you will define the params validations
for the current resource/action. You could think that the request
step is not strictly
necessary, because we could just defined the params validations inside de action block. However,
it will have more sense in the future, when more extra options be added.
For defining required parameters we use the required
method, otherwise
we have the optional
method. This two methods accept 2 arguments and a block. The first argument
is the only one required, and is the name or key of the parameter. The second argument is an
options hash for specifing the extra validations, and the block is for defining nested params.
In the following section we will see all the options validations in-depth look.
Validations & Options
None of the below options are required, so they can be omitted if you don't need to use them.
If a parameter is required, then you should use the required
method on the definition of the
param. Otherwise use the optional
method. For default, required parameters don't accept blank
values, if you would like to allow them for that parameter, you can use the option allow_blank
request do
required :key_1
required :key_2, allow_blank: true
optional :key_3
The type
option specified the type of the parameter. The supported types are:
- hash
- array
- string
- integer
- decimal
- boolean
- date
- datetime
So if this option is present, the gem will validate that the value of the parameter matches with
the specified type. And if it does, it will convert the value to the right type. This means that
if a parameter should be an integer
, a valid string integer like "100"
will be converter to
. The same applies to the other types.
If you want to add your own types, you can extend the supported types with the global
configuration option extend.types
. See here all globals
configuration options.
request do
required :key_1, type: :boolean
required :key_2, type: :decimal
# ...
Let's see each of the types now.
Hash type
When defining a hash parameter, you will need to pass a block for specifing the nested object. If no block is passed, the gem will only check that the value of the parameter be a valid hash object, without validating the content of it.
request do
# Allows any keys and values for the hash
required :key_1, type: :hash
# Only allows the keys nested_key_1 and nested_key_2
required :key_2, type: :hash do
required :nested_key_1, type: :string
required :nested_key_2, type: :integer
Array type
If you define an array parameter, the gem will only check the value to be a valid array, allowing
the elements of the array to be anything. If you also want to validate the elements, you can use
the option elements
The value for this option can be a type or a hash. elements: :integer
is equivalent to
elements: { type: :integer }
The second way is useful when you want to validate other things of the elements than just the
type. The option elements
accepts all validations options.
request do
# Allows any value for the elements of the array
required :key_1, type: :array
# Only allows decimals with a value less than 1_000 for the elements of the array
required :key_2, type: :array, elements: { type: :decimal, value: { max: 1_000 } }
# Only allows objects with a required key 'nested_key' of type 'email' for the
# elements of the array
required :key_3, type: :array, elements: :hash do
required :nested_key, type: :email
String type
Any value is a valid string.
Integer type
Accepts only valid integers like 5
or "5"
Decimal type
Accepts only valid decimals like 5
or "1.5"
or 10.45
. With decimals parameters you can use
the option precision
. Go here for more details about this option.
Boolean type
Accepts only valid boolean values. The default valid boolean values are:
[true, false, 'true', 'false']
If you need to add more values for the boolean type, for example ['yes', 'no', 1, 0, 't', 'f']
you can extend the true values
and the false values
independently, with the global
configuration options extend.boolean_true_values
and extend.boolean_false_values
See here all globals configuration options.
Date type
Date type accepts only valid dates. This means that values like '04/10/1995'
are valids, and
will be converter to a Date object like Wed, 04 Oct 1995
However, they are cases when you only want to accept a specific format for a date, like
. In this cases you have two options.
Use the global configuration option
, so all date types must have the specified format through all the requests. See here all globals configuration options. -
Specify the option
format: "%Y-%m-%e"
You can perfectly use both approaches, but the second one will locally override the first one on that parameter validation.
Notice that if no format is specified, the date will be validated using the ruby Date.parse
request do
required :key_1, type: :date
required :key_2, type: :date, format: '%Y-%m-%e'
Datetime type
Same as date
type but for datetime
Email type
Accepts only valid emails like [email protected]
. It's just a helper for a string type with
an email regexp format.
The inclusion
option is for validating that the param value is included in a given array.
The value for this option can be an enumerable or a hash. inclusion: %w(asc desc)
is equivalent
to inclusion: { in: %w(asc desc) }
Besides from the in
option, you can also use the message
option for passing a custom error
detail when the parameter is not valid.
request do
required :key_1, type: :string, inclusion: %w(asc desc)
required :key_2,
type: :string,
inclusion: { in: %w(s m l), message: 'Value is not a valid size' }
The length
option is for validating the length of the param value.
The value for this option can be an integer or a hash. length: 5
is equivalent
to length: { min: 5, max: 5 }
Besides from the min
and max
options, you can also use the message
option for passing a
custom error detail when the parameter is not valid.
request do
required :key_1, type: :string, length: 10
required :key_2, type: :string, length: { min: 5, max: 12 }
required :key_3, type: :array, elements: :email, length: { max: 3 }
required :key_4, type: :string, length: { max: 25, message: '25 characters is the maximum allowed' }
Value Size
The value
option is for validating the value size of numerics parameters.
The value for this option is a hash with the following options: min
, max
and message
request do
required :key_1, type: :integer, value: { min: 0 }
required :key_2, type: :integer, value: { max: 1_000_000, message: 'Value too big!' }
required :key_3, type: :decimal, value: { min: 0, max: 1 }
The format
option allows to validate the format of the value with a regular expression.
The value for this option is a regexp
, string
or a hash
. The string value is only valid
when the type is a date
or a datetime
. Otherwise, you should use a regexp. The options for
the hash are: regexp
, strptime
and message
So, for date
and datetime
types, format: '%u%F'
is equivalent to
format: { strptime: '%u%F' }
. For the other types, format: /^5[1-5]\d{14}$/
equivalent to format: { regexp: /^5[1-5]\d{14}$/ }
request do
required :key_1, type: :string, format: /^5[1-5]\d{14}$/
required :key_2, type: :string, format: { regexp: /^1.*/,
message: 'Value should start with a 1' }
Custom Validation
You can add custom validations to the parameter with the option validate
This option accepts a Proc as value or a hash. For example,
validate: lambda { |value| value > }
is equivalent to
validate: { function: lambda { |value| value > } }
. The hash value
also accepts the message
request do
required :key_1, type: :date, validate: { function: lambda { |value| value >= },
message: 'The date can not be in the past' }
The precision
option are for decimal
types. This option does not execute any validation
on the value of the parameter, but it will round the decimal when the value is converter to
the specified type.
If you want to set a precision value to all decimal
parameters, you can use the global
configuration option format.decimal_precision
. Keep in mind that if you set the precision
option on a parameter, it will locally override the global configuration. See here
for all globals configuration options.
This option accepts an integer as value.
request do
required :key_1, type: :decimal, precision: 2
Default Values
When parameters are optional, with the default
option you can set a default value when the parameter is not
The value for the option default
could be anything, including a proc.
request do
optional :key_1, type: :string, default: 'Jane'
optional :key_2, type: :string, default: lambda {'%A') }
Transformations are functions that are called to the value of the parameter, after it has already
been validated. The option for this is transform
The transform
option could be a symbol, or a proc. The proc will receive the value of the
parameter as an argument, so keep in mind that the value will be already of the type
specified in the definition. So, transform: :strip
is equivalent to
transform: lambda { |value| value.strip }
request do
optional :key_1, type: :string, transform: :strip
optional :key_2,
type: :string,
format: /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{3}$/,
transform: lambda { |value| value.gsub(/-/, '') }
Rename Parameters
You can rename parameters using the as
request do
required :email_address, type: :email, as: :email
This means that in the request params you expect a valid email value in the key email_address
but in your controller you will access with the key email
Dependent Parameters
If you want to receive and validate a parameter only if another one is given, you can use
the is_given
request do
optional :label, type: :string
required :description, type: :string, if_given: :label
required :card_type, inclusion: %w(credit_card debit_card)
required :ccv, if_given: { card_type: lambda { |value| value == 'credit_card' } }
On the example above, the param description
will be only validated if the param label
is present.
RequestParamsValidation will use the method blank?
to check that. On the other hand, the param
will only be validated if the param type_card
is equal to the string credit_card
Notice that if the global option filter_params
is set to true
(default behaviour), then the
dependent parameters will be filtered from the params object
if they haven't beeen validated.
This way we make sure to only receive those parameters that have been validated against our request
Be aware that if you rename a param, then you should use the new name in the if_given
RequestParamsValidation will start validating the presence of the parameters. Then, if the value is not present and the parameter has a default value, it will assign that value and not execute any further validation. Otherwise, it will validate the type, convert it to the right type and then continue with the others validations. So, all others validations will be executed with the parameter value already converter to the specified type, so keep in mind that at defining the validations.
Errors & Messages
For default, when a required parameter failed the presence validation, the exception
will be raised. If it failed for any of the others
validations, the raised exception will be RequestParamsValidation::InvalidParameterValueError
with a proper descriptive error message.
This two exceptions inherits from RequestParamsValidation::RequestParamError
, so you
can rescue the exceptions like this:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
rescue_from RequestParamsValidation::RequestParamError do |exception|
# do whatever you want
Both exceptions has getters methods to access data related to the failure. For example, the
exception has two public methods param_key
and param_type
for getting the name and type of the parameter which failed. And the
exception has the two mentioned methods,
plus the methods param_value
and details
. param_value
returns the value of the parameter,
and details
give more information about the reason of the failure.
Errors messages
For the exception RequestParamsValidation::MissingParameterError
, the error message is the
"The parameter '#{param_key}' is missing"
And for RequestParamsValidation::InvalidParameterValueError
the message is:
"The value for the parameter '#{param_key}' is invalid"
Or, if details
is present:
"The value for the parameter '#{param_key}' is invalid. #{details}"
The details is different depending on the reason of the failure, and whether the parameter is
an element of an array or not. If you have specified the message
option in the parameter
definition, then the details will be that value, otherwise it will took a default value from
the table below:
Failure | Default Message |
Missing parameter | N/A |
Invalid type | - Value should be a valid %{param_type} - All elements of the array should be a valid %{type} If has date or datetime type with specified format : - with the format %{format} is added to the message |
Invalid inclusion | - Value should be in %{include_in} - All elements values of the array should be in %{include_in} |
Invalid length | - Length should be greater or equal than %{min} - Length should be less or equal than %{max} - Length should be equal to %{min/max} - Length should be between %{min} and %{max} - All elements of the array should have a length ... |
Invalid value size | - Value should be greater or equal than %{min} - Value should be less or equal than %{max} - Value should be between %{min} and %{max} - All elements of the array should have a value ... |
Invalid format | - Value format is invalid - An element of the array has an invalid format |
Invalid custom validation | N/A |
Custom Exceptions
However, if the above is not enough for your app, and you need to fully customize the exceptions and the messages, you can setup your own exceptions classes for each type of failure. They are globals configurations options that allow you to do that. See below to see them all.
Global Configurations
Global configurations help you to customize the gem to fulfill your needs. To change this configuration, you need to create an initializer and configure what you want to change:
# config/initializers/request_params_validation.rb
RequestParamsValidation.configure do |config|
#... here goes the configuration
To see a complete initializer file of the configuration with all the options and their description, please see here.
This gem is strongly inspired in a Ruby framework named Angus developed by Moove It
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This software is released under the MIT license. See the MIT-LICENSE file for more info.