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[fresh_graphql] Link for Subscription
Great idea this package and exactly what I was looking for. 🙇 Based on this idea it would be possible to create a similar link implementation for subscription.
What do you think?
This is my current code that could be replaced
class WSLink extends Link {
/// Creates a new [WebSocketLink] instance with the specified config.
this.url, {
this.headers = const {},
final String url;
final Map<String, dynamic> headers;
final Future<String?>? getToken;
// cannot be final because we're changing the instance upon a header change.
SocketClient? _socketClient;
Stream<Response> request(Request request, [forward]) async* {
// Get Token or Refresh
if (getToken != null) {
var token = await getToken;
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer $token';
if (_socketClient == null) {
yield* _socketClient!.subscribe(request, true);
/// Connects or reconnects to the server with the specified headers.
void connectOrReconnect() {
_socketClient = SocketClient(
config: SocketClientConfig(
inactivityTimeout: Duration(seconds: 30),
delayBetweenReconnectionAttempts: const Duration(seconds: 2),
autoReconnect: true,
connect: (url, protocols) => IOWebSocketChannel.connect(
protocols: protocols,
headers: headers,
/// Disposes the underlying socket client explicitly. Only use this, if you want to disconnect from
/// the current server in favour of another one. If that's the case, create a new [WebSocketLink] instance.
Future<void> dispose() async {
await _socketClient?.dispose();
_socketClient = null;
Yes, It would be great. I need this also. Thank you.
It would be nice to have this feature implemented, i'm really struggling to make it work :'(