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A Dart package that helps to implement value based equality without needing to explicitly override == and hashCode.

Results 20 equatable issues
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Fixes #141 ## Status **READY** ## Breaking Changes NO ## Description This fixes the inconsistent hashCode behaviour for Sets by using a SplayTreeSet to ensure a consistent iteration order. ##...

I have a state bloc ``` abstract class BaseState extends Equatable{ List listA; List listB; BaseState(this.listA, this.listB); @override List get props => [listA, listB] } class StateA extends BaseState{ BaseState(List...

**Describe the bug** For properties of type `Set` the result of `hashCode` is unexpected. Equality works like expected (order of Set elements doesn't have an impact) but `hashCode` produces different...

## Status **IN DEVELOPMENT** ## Breaking Changes NO ## Description When comparing derived (sub) classes to it's base class, the result it always `false`. I would expect that, if the...

## Status **READY** ## Breaking Changes YES ## Description The goal is to simplify toString method on `Equatable` and `EquatableMixin` and remove repetitive logic. ## Related PRs List related PRs...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm always frustrated when debugging and I think an object should be equal to another and it's not. **Describe the...


This is an ease-of-use idea. I've been using the json_serializable pub package with the build_runner running, which automagically generates my from/to json methods. While I was doing this I thought,...


**Describe the bug** I have two types: ``` class GenericDevice extends Equatable { final String name; final String id; GenericDevice({@required this.name, @required this.id}); @override bool get stringify => true; //...

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**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am doing an equal check on two instances and I want to have a nice syntax for excluding properties....

Dart 2.14 adds new hashing methods like [`Object.hash`](https://api.dart.dev/stable/2.14.4/dart-core/Object/hash.html) (uses optional arguments for up to 20 objects) and [`Object.hashAll`](https://api.dart.dev/stable/2.14.4/dart-core/Object/hashAll.html) (uses a list for a large or variable number of objects). The...
