Thanks for reply.@wangheda. For individual learning, The pre-trained model meets the following points is very well: 1. The model can test video-level and frame-level of youtube-8m dataset; 2. Provide frame-level...
Hi, @antoine77340. I have delete graph.pbtxt, but the problem is still. INFO:tensorflow:number of input files: 4096 INFO:tensorflow:loading meta-graph: pretrainedmodel/model.ckpt-310001.meta INFO:tensorflow:restoring variables from pretrainedmodel/model.ckpt-310001 INFO:tensorflow:Error reported to Coordinator: , ../YT8M/youtube-8m/features/validatevr.tfrecord [[Node:...
Hi, @antoine77340. First i delete all events.out.* files, then put test tfrecord files to ../YT8M/youtube-8m/features/. But occur error as follows: NotFoundError (see above for traceback): ../YT8M/youtube-8m/features/trainMr.tfrecord [[Node: train_input/ReaderReadV2_1 = ReaderReadV2[_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](train_input/TFRecordReaderV2_1,...
Thanks for analysing.@antoine77340 @wincle. I copy validation and training tfrecord to " ../YT8M/youtube-8m/features/". No error before, but occur error as follows: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py", line 1096, in _run % (np_val.shape, subfeed_t.name,...
I use youtube-8m dataset. Does the dataset have audio feature? @wincle. and how to use vggish, can you send me some specification link, thanks.
I will have a try, thank you very much. @wincle.
Thanks for reply. @antoine77340. The following commond correct?(use rgb only(no audio) ) 1. commond to train video-level feature: python train.py --train_data_pattern="../dataset/Video_data/video_train/train*.tfrecord" --model=NetVLADModelLF --train_dir=gatednetvladLF-256k-1024-80-0002-300iter-norelu-basic-gatedmoe --frame_features=False --feature_names="mean_rgb" --feature_sizes="1024" --batch_size=80 --base_learning_rate=0.0002 --netvlad_cluster_size=256 --netvlad_hidden_size=1024...
I see, thanks for your help.@antoine77340.