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Github defect dataset for software defect prediction

GHPR Dataset: A Dataset for Software Defect Prediction

The GHPR dataset is used in our empirical studies and evaluation. We identify 3026 bug fixing based on Pull Requests(PRs) in Github. Each bug fixing is treated as a record in the dataset.

From the view of supervised learning, we can consider the defective and fixed file version in each record as two learning instances. the GHPR dataset totally have 6052 learning instances which contain 3026 defective instances and 3026 non-defective instances.

Data Format

Two publication formats are provided in

  1. ghprdata.csv
  2. ghprdata.sql

The CSV file is simple and well-supported in Python using numpy or pandas. Because the databases support large datasets better than CSV files do, we also provide a SQL file of which the character set is utf-8.

Data Feature

Each record includes the following 16 features.

Feature Description
PROJECT_NAME The name of the project
PROJECT_OWNER The owner of the project
PROJECT_DESCRIPTION The description of the project provided by the owner
PROJECT_LABEL The label of the project provided by the owner
PROJECT_LANGUAGE The programming language of the project
SHA_FIXED The ID of the version after the defect being fixed
SHA_BUG The ID of the version before the defect being fixed
DIFF_CODE The defect-related code we recognize from the content of the fixed file
COMMIT_DESCRIPTION The description of the commit in the defect-related PR
COMMIT_TIME The time of the commit in the defect-related PR
OLD_CONTENT The content of the defect-related file before defects being fixed
NEW_CONTENT The content of the defect-related file after defects being fixed
OLD_PATH The old path of the changed files
NEW_PATH The new path of the changed files
PR_TITLE The title of the defect related PR
PR_DESCRIPTION The description of the defect related PR


We calculate 21 static metrics for the total 6052 instances in GHPR dataset, which is the data used for the baseline approaches. All metrics were calculated by the open-source tool mauricioaniche/ck. The description of the metrics as fellow.

Feature Description
CBO Coupling between objects. Counts the number of dependencies a class has.
WMC Weight Method Class or McCabe's complexity. It counts the number of branch instructions in a class.
DIT Depth Inheritance Tree. It counts the number of "fathers" a class has. All classes have DIT at least 1 (everyone inherits java.lang.Object).
rfc Response for a Class. Counts the number of unique method invocations in a class.
lcom Lack of Cohesion of Methods. Calculates LCOM metric.
totalMethods Counts the number of methods.
totalFields Counts the number of fields.
NOSI Number of static invocations. Counts the number of invocations to static methods.
LOC Lines of code. It counts the lines of count, ignoring empty lines.
returnQty Quantity of returns. The number of return instructions.
loopQty Quantity of loops. The number of loops (i.e., for, while, do while, enhanced for).
comparisonsQty Quantity of comparisons. The number of comparisons (i.e., == and !=).
tryCatchQty Quantity of try/catches. The number of try/catches.
parenthesizedExpsQty Quantity of parenthesized expressions. The number of expressions inside parenthesis.
stringLiteralsQty String literals. The number of string literals (e.g., "John Doe").
numbersQty Quantity of Number. The number of numbers (i.e., int, long, double, float) literals.
assignmentsQty Quantity of Variables. Number of declared variables.
mathOperationsQty Quantity of Math Operations: The number of math operations (times, divide, remainder, plus, minus, left shit, right shift).
variablesQty Quantity of Variables. Number of declared variables.
maxNestedBlocks Max nested blocks. The highest number of blocks nested together.
uniqueWordsQty Number of unique words. Number of unique words in the source code.


Please cite our paper if you use this dataset in your publication: @ARTICLE{***, author={Jiaxi Xu;Fei Wang;Jun Ai}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Reliability}, title={Defect Prediction With Semantics and Context Features of Codes Based on Graph Representation Learning}, year={2021}, }