Michel Feinstein

Results 81 issues of Michel Feinstein

Many times we are looking at some widget's source-code and we find something like this: ```dart /// {@macro flutter.services.TextInputConfiguration.enableIMEPersonalizedLearning} final bool enableIMEPersonalizedLearning; ``` I can go to the variable and...

I am debugging a dart CLI app, and I send an HTTP request as the last step my CLI takes. I can't check the networking traffic data in devools, because...

network page

`Command`s have a `takesArguments` `bool` that indicates if they take any arguments. This is used only for validation, but when we print the usage for a particular `Command` they always...

This code works just fine: ```dart // prints: // 0 // Instance of '_MultiStream' // 0 // 1 // Instance of '_MultiStream' // 0 // 1 // 2 // Instance...

waiting for response

RxJava has the ability to inject a scheduler to some streams, this way we can manipulate time in tests. If I have an `interval` of 5 minutes in my code,...

`registerLazySingletonAsync` doesn't have a `dependsOn`, so we can't deal with more complex cases, where we want a lazy singleton, to avoid memory leaks, and also depend on another async singleton.


I am dealing with a situation where I have an `async` singleton and a factory depends on it, so the factories should have a `dependsOn` for tracking dependencies.


`registerFactoryParam` and `registerFactoryParamAsync` have a very limited API. We can only pass 2 parameters and their names aren't descritive enough of their purposes. With Records added to dart 3, I...

Sometimes I have a string like ``` a, b, c, d ``` and I want to split it on each comma, making it as ``` a, b, c, d ```...


### Steps to reproduce The `KeepAlive` [docs](https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/KeepAlive-class.html) discourage the use of `KeepAlive` saying that the normal way of using it is by mixing your widget with `AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin`. I don't agree...