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Getting started - A simple Makefile based setup

Open Floessie opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

Hi Phillip,

For someone switching from your wonderful Arduino_FreeRTOS_Library to bare-metal, could you extend the "Getting started" section with a minimal guide for a simple Makefile based setup? What is good practice, when starting a project (also Git-wise) with miniAVRfreeRTOS?

Your article from 2011 is very Eclipse specific and could scare noobs off from taking a look at this port (same applies to avrfreertos). IMHO, you can assume knowledge of the toolchain and makefiles, it's more about "Checkout miniAVRfreeRTOS here", "Create main.c here", "Use this minimal Makefile", and the like.

Just my 2¢, Flössie

Floessie avatar Sep 12 '18 10:09 Floessie

Hi @Floessie,

sorry I missed this #2 issue for a few weeks. Distractions, and no notification from this repository.

To be honest, I've never used FreeRTOS with make. When I started I used a Nerdkit to build my first MCU breadboard, and IIRC it used a makefile to compile the first blink. I will try to dig this up as a basis.

Or, if you like, you could do a PR for this repo to use make? You're welcome if you like.

feilipu avatar Sep 26 '18 06:09 feilipu

Here is a project that could serve as a base.

Floessie avatar Oct 10 '18 08:10 Floessie

Thanks @tiagolobao.

I'll leave this open in case we add to your PR #6.

feilipu avatar Aug 29 '22 06:08 feilipu