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Python wrappers for ArUco library


SWIG generated Python wrappers for ArUco library. Works with OpenCV Python module cv2 resp. numpy array data types.

Tested on Linux Mint 19 x86_64, OpenCV 4.1.0, ArUco 3.1.12 Python 3.6.9 and NumPy 1.18.0

Installation via pip

  1. Install / compile OpenCV with Python3 support
  2. Install / compile ArUco 3.1.12
  3. run pip3 install aruco

Build Python3 module via CMake

  1. Install / compile OpenCV with Python2 support
  2. Install / compile ArUco 3.1.12
  3. Install swig3: sudo apt-get install swig3.0 for Debian/Ubuntu like systems. On 14.04 and other older systems you will need to go to "Software Sources" and check backports in the Updates tab, and reload before installing.
  4. Install NumPy pip3 install numpy (maybe you already need it for OpenCV Python support) or install via system package manager.
  5. Build the Python wrapper:
    • Create a new directory build in this project: mkdir build && cd build
    • Run CMake to configure the project: cmake ..
    • Run make to build the wrappers: make
  6. The built package is now located in python/dist/, you can install it via pip: pip3 install python/dist/*.whl


example video

open a prompt in example/ and run: python3 ./

fractal marker example

open a prompt in example/ and run: python3 ./

If the Python doesn't find some shared objects, add the library location to LD_LIBRARY_PATH: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


I just tested some basic functions with example/ / example/ Please report errors and problems.

  • Some return value templates like std::vector<Point3f> don't work yet (e.g. for marker.get3DPoints())
