arduino-motorfocus copied to clipboard
Several updates to enable use on Sparkfun Pro Micro
Trying to use the code on a Sparkfun Pro Micro clone, I ran into several issues:
- serialEvent was not called automatically after loop().
- SoftwareSerial had a compilation issue related to the assembly in there.
- An issue with temperature string formatting.
Made changes to code and added some documentation and a choice to platformio.ini
I'm going to try to submit the changes using a pull request but I've never done that so bear with me....
I think I created a pull request but not sure how to link that to this issue.
Thanks! I will take a look at it tomorrow :)
I think I can't push my changes on your pull request but I created a new branch promicro
with your changes and added some new environments for different configs to platformio.ini. There is a patched version of SoftwareSerial on Github, so I'm using this repo for SoftwareSerial so other users don't have to modify the lib.
Can you take a look at it?
# Sparkfun ProMicro
environments and both seem to work (manual buttons and ekos controlled).
Patched version of SoftwareSerial is OK.
Typo in (Pro Mirco)
4. Select the right config for your microcontroller e.g.
nanoatmega328for Arduino Nano with 28BYJ-48 stepper,
promicro16for Sparkfun Pro Mirco with 28BYJ-48 stepper or
nanoatmega328_A988driver for Arduino Nano with A4988driver support in the bottom bar and upload to your Arduino (PlatformIO will download needed libraries automatically)
Still in a maze on the pull request workflow :--)