vswm copied to clipboard
A very stupid window manager.
vswm - very stupid window manager
Probably the most stupid window manager ever created, written over an ancient relic of a library called Xlib -- a library so old that it preceded the birth of planet Earth itself.
- There are no workspaces.
- All windows are maximised.
- Windows can not be moved or resized.
- Only one window is visible at a time.
- This certainly isn't for everyone.
Screenshot: https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/pbf4wu/vswm_hello_friend/
MOD4 + Tab focus next window MOD4 + Shift + Tab focus prev window MOD4 + Shift + q kill window MOD4 + Shift + r refresh wm [*]
MOD4 + b firefox MOD4 + Return xterm MOD4 + d dmn [1] MOD4 + p scr [2]
XF86_MonBrightnessDown xbacklight -dec 5 XF86_MonBrightnessUp xbacklight -inc 5 XF86_AudioLowerVolume pamixer -d 5 XF86_AudioRaiseVolume pamixer -i 5 XF86_AudioMute pamixer -t
[*] Resize and reposition windows. Useful when connecting or disconnecting an external monitor, if e.g. screen size differ.
[1] Launcher script for dmenu: https://github.com/fehawen/bin/blob/master/scripts/dmn
[2] Screenshot script: https://github.com/fehawen/bin/blob/master/scripts/scr
Modify the keybindings to your liking.
You need the Xlib header files.
$ make clean
$ make
$ make install
All in one go.
$ make clean install
$ make uninstall
You may need to run install as root. DESTDIR and PREFIX are supported.
i3: https://github.com/i3/i3 dwm: https://git.suckless.org/dwm sowm: https://github.com/dylanaraps/sowm berry: https://github.com/JLErvin/berry tinywm: http://incise.org/tinywm.html katriawm: https://www.uninformativ.de/git/katriawm