ceecnet copied to clipboard
CeecnetV1 Performance
I have been training CeecnetV1 on LEVIRCD Dataset, even after 120 epochs I am getting an average f1-score between 0.35-0.45 for segments while average loss is 0.22. Around how many epochs should I see f1 score going up?
Hi @Farihaa ,
in about 50 epochs for theLEVIRCD dataset you should be seeing first peak of performance (without learning rate reduction) - which is already excellent. You can see this from the training curves on Fig. 15 / page 16 of the manuscript (see docs/manuscript.pdf). You are probably searching for a bug. If you can please post your training code and setup (hardware resources/batch size etc), I should be able to help more.
I am using 4 Tesla T4 gpus and I could only get to a batch size of 2 per gpu for distributed training. All the other hyper parameters are same as you mentioned in the paper. However, I was not doing on-the-fly data augmentation because gpu memory could not handle it. Would that be the main cause of it?
def train(train_data_path, val_data_path):
epochs : int
num iterations to be done over the dataset.
train_data_path : str
path to training rec/idx-pass filename.
val_data_path : str
path to validation rec/idx-pass filename.
gpu_count = mx.context.num_gpus()
ctx = [mx.gpu(i) for i in range(gpu_count)] if gpu_count > 0 else mx.cpu()
# Initialize Horovod
# Horovod: pin context to local rank
context = mx.cpu(hvd.local_rank()) if no_cuda else mx.gpu(hvd.local_rank())
num_workers = hvd.size()
CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()
sw = SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs')
epochs = 200
lr= 0.0001
lr_decay_count = 0
log_interval = 1
NClasses= 2
if load_ckpt:
net = load_checkpoint("checkpoint",context)
else :
# initializing network
net = createModel()
# net.cast('float16')
# initializing loss
myMTSKL = mtsk_loss()
#f1s= f1_score()
# perform metric
calc_f1 = f1_score()
# Define our trainer for net
# Set parameters
adam_optimizer = optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=lr * hvd.size(), beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08)
net.initialize(mx.init.Xavier(rnd_type='gaussian', factor_type="in",
magnitude=2), ctx=context)
# Horovod: fetch and broadcast parameters
params = net.collect_params()
if params is not None:
hvd.broadcast_parameters(params, root_rank=0)
# Horovod: create DistributedTrainer, a subclass of gluon.Trainer
trainer = hvd.DistributedTrainer(params,adam_optimizer )
#trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), adam_optimizer)
# amp.init()
# amp.init_trainer(trainer)
train_history = TrainingHistory(['training-f1-score', 'validation-f1-score'])
# load dataset
tnorm = LVRCDNormal() # image normalization for each chip
ttransform = None
train_data=LVRCDDataset(root=r'/LEVIRCD/Files/', mode='train',transform=ttransform,norm=tnorm)
ntrain = train_data.__len__()
print("Total samples : %d" % ntrain)
# training loop
for epoch in range(ep,epochs):
tic = time.time()
train_loss = 0
for img1,img2,labels in datagen:
img1 = img1.as_in_context(context)
labels = labels.as_in_context(context)
with autograd.record():
outputs = net( img1, img2)
loss = myMTSKL.loss(outputs,labels)
# with amp.scale_loss(loss, trainer) as scaled_loss:
# autograd.backward(scaled_loss)
print("Loss for a batch : " , loss)
train_loss = sum([l.sum() for l in loss.asnumpy()])
tlout =tlout + train_loss
label_dists=labels[:, 2*NClasses:,:,:]
ground = [label_segm ,label_bound,label_dists]
f1= calc_f1.score(ground,outputs,NClasses)
# f1_score.update(labels= ground, preds=outputs)
# name,f1= f1_score.get()
fout = fout + f1
# net.export("model-cdet", epoch)
# Update history and print metrics
#train_history.update([1-f1, 1-val_f1])
print('[Epoch %d] f1-score=%f train_loss=%f time: %f' %
(epoch, f1, train_loss/batch_size, time.time()-tic))
sw.add_scalar(tag='train_f1score', value=fout/(ntrain/(batch_size *hvd.size())), global_step=epoch)
# saving model parameters and weights
print('[Epoch %d] Train-f1 = %f Train-loss = %f'% (epoch,
fout/(ntrain/(batch_size*hvd.size())), tlout/(ntrain/hvd.size())))
if (epoch % 10==0):
# if hvd.rank() == 0:
# logging.info('Epoch[%d]\tTrain-f1 = %f\tTrain-loss = %f', epoch,
# fout/ntrain/batch_size, train_loss/ntrain)
if fout/(ntrain/batch_size*hvd.size()) > 0.7 and tlout/(ntrain/hvd.size()) < 0.1:
net.export("model-cdet", epoch)
print('performing validation')
val_f1, val_loss= test(net, context, val_data_path,hvd.size(),num_workers,hvd)
print('[Epoch %d] val_loss=%f f1-val=%f' %
(epoch, val_loss, val_f1))
if abs(val_loss - val_prev) < 0.0005:
myMTSKL.depth= myMTSKL.depth + 10
val_prev = val_loss
Hi @Farihaa, comments/things I did differently and I do not know how they may affect your training
- You calculate F1 score from all segmentation, boundary, distance predictions, you should only be using segmentation: the boundary prediction usually is lower, and distance is a continuous regression variable, therefore F1 does not apply here. This will have an effect in getting low F1 score, therefore the F1 you calculate does not reflect the performance of the network (do some inference visualization sand compare with the manuscript). The F1 reported in the manuscript is only on the segmentation change class.
- The models are provided with default values, but these defaults are not the ones mentioned in the manuscript. For example, the mantis models use - by default - BatchNorm, while you need to use GroupNorm, especially with such a small batch size per GPU, as mentioned in the manuscript. I cannot understand from your code if you follow this practice? The default values used for training can be found in the demo notebook (cell 4), and these are:
# D6nf32 example
net = mantis_dn_cmtsk(nfilters_init=nfilters_init, NClasses=NClasses,depth=depth, ftdepth=ftdepth, model='CEECNetV1',psp_depth=psp_depth,norm_type=norm_type,norm_groups=norm_groups,nheads_start=nheads_start)
- The initialization we follow is the default
, I don't know if the modifications you did affect the performance. - I do not scale the learning rate with the number of workers as it is proposed in the horovod documentation. Instead, I follow the guidelines of Smith 2018, increasing in a single epoch the learning rate (starting from a very low value) and monitoring the training loss - see figure A.16 in our appendix of the resunet-a paper (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.00592.pdf). Therefore the learning rate used is
(without workers scaling) in our case, with 24 x 4 = 96 P100 GPUs, and batch_size = 4 per GPU (adding some nd.waitall() commands may allow you to increase the batch size).
with autograd.record():
outputs = net( img1, img2)
nd.waitall() # mxnet < 2.0
loss = myMTSKL.loss(outputs,labels)
nd.waitall() # mxnet < 2.0
You should do the same process for the available number of gpus you have, it won't take you more than few minutes/1h max of compute time to find this. I found this much better than scaling linearly the learning rate in all my experiments. It should also be relative to your problem, because you are only using 4 GPUs (= total batch size =8, I think?) which is very low and training may be unstable. We used >200 - this affects the choice of learning rate, you probably need lower. You may also try the trick of gradient accumulation (it works with horovod as well) for increasing batch size and stabilize training. 5. It is not clear to me how you calculate the validation loss value. Usually a Tanimoto (with dual) loss value of ~0.1-0.2 for the segmentation task (only) gives nice results (not SOTA, but respectable). If you are also including boundary and distance loss value, this will be higher, as these are more difficult to estimate. 6. If you cannot overfit the training data, it is bound you have a bug somewhere. Looking at your code, make sure the ground truth labels are in the appropriate order and format (in 1hot encoding). I do not see an obvious bug (I have not tested amp with this model to know how it will perform, you should debug first on float32, as your code does I believe, by commenting out amp related commands). 7. Data augmentation cannot affect performance that much, it is not the source of error. In my code, this happens on CPU memory, prior loading to the gpu, so this does not affect your gpu memory load.
I propose to do some visualizations of ground truth labels (to validate they are in the correct order, segmentation/boundary/distance, in 1hot) and inference results, to judge by eye the performance of the network. Feel free to post here results.
Hope the above helps Foivos
Thank you so much for such a detailed answer. 1-I am only calculating the f1-score for segmentation only, from code it may seem like I am using boundary and distance as well. 2- I am using the default values for training as mentioned in the demo notebook 3- I used net.initialize() as well but for me to export the model checkpoints I had to use net.hybridize() as well 4- Yes using 4 gpus its a batch size of 8, I will work on the learning rate part 5- Yes for loss I am using all three, I will change that. I will work on your suggestions and see if it helps out.
Thanks once again.
Pleasure @Farihaa - let me know how it works out for you and feel free to post results/ask questions.
Best of luck on your experiments.
I tried the gradient accumulation way and got to accumulate gradients after 32 samples. The training is still not stable and I tried with a really low learning rate as well. I change the low learning rate after every 4 epochs by multiplying it with a factor but there was no change.I also got the augmentation running as per paper and I created the .rec files as per Data_slicing.py and chopchop.py files. The 0 class is obviously good because it represents negative class but 1 class has bad f1 score. I mean for some samples it is good but overall its bad.
Hi @Farihaa , please post your complete code to take a look. There is most probably a bug somewhere. I'll try my best to help.
Here, '#' before a line represents that it is commented.
from mxnet import nd
from models.changedetection.mantis.mantis_dn import *
from mxnet import autograd,optimizer,gluon
import mxnet as mx
import horovod.mxnet as hvd
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from mxboard import SummaryWriter
from nn.loss.mtsk_loss import *
from src.LVRCDDataset import *
from src.LVRCDNormal import*
from src.semseg_aug_cv2 import*
from gluoncv.utils import makedirs, TrainingHistory, export_block
from pycm import *
import os
import cv2
from tqdm import tqdm
import time
import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
import logging
import random
import warnings
import argparse
from skimage.io import imread
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from skimage.util import montage
from skimage.io import imread , imsave
import numpy as np
montage_rgb = lambda x: np.stack([montage(x[:, :, :, i]) for i in range(x.shape[3])], -1)
from skimage.morphology import label
os.environ['MXNET_GPU_MEM_POOL_RESERVE'] = '19'
os.environ['MXNET_BACKWARD_DO_MIRROR'] = '1'
os.environ['MXNET_GPU_COPY_NTHREADS'] = '1'
load_ckpt =True
if not no_cuda:
# Disable CUDA if there are no GPUs.
if mx.context.num_gpus() == 0:
no_cuda = True
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=2,
help='training batch size per worker (default: 64)')
parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=30,
help='number of training epochs (default: 5)')
parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.0001,
help='learning rate (default: 0.01)')
parser.add_argument('--load_ckpt', action="store_true", default=False,
help='load checkpoints from directory')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
class f1_score(object):
Here NClasses = 2 by default, for a binary segmentation problem in 1hot representation
def __init__(self,depth=0, NClasses=2):
self.skip = NClasses
def score(self,ground,outputs,NClasses=2):
pred_segm = np.argmax(outputs[0].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten()
pred_bound = np.argmax(outputs[1].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten()
pred_dists = np.argmax(outputs[2].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten()
# In our implementation of the labels, we stack together the [segmentation, boundary, distance] labels,
# along the channel axis.
# reshaping labels
label_segm = np.argmax(ground[0].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten()
label_bound = np.argmax(ground[1].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten()
label_dists = np.argmax(ground[2].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten()
# metric calculation
cm_segm = ConfusionMatrix(label_segm,pred_segm,digit=3)
cm_bound = ConfusionMatrix(label_bound,pred_bound,digit=3)
cm_dists = ConfusionMatrix(label_dists,pred_dists,digit=3)
print ("Segment F1 score : " , cm_segm.F1)
segm_f1 =sum([cm_segm.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses
# bound_f1 =sum([cm_bound.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses
# dists_f1 = sum([cm_dists.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses
return segm_f1
def createModel():
# D6nf32 example
depth = 6
norm_type = 'GroupNorm'
norm_groups = 4
ftdepth = 5
NClasses = 2
nfilters_init = 32
psp_depth = 4
nheads_start = 4
#intialize net
net = mantis_dn_cmtsk(nfilters_init=nfilters_init, NClasses=NClasses, depth=depth,
ftdepth=ftdepth, model='CEECNetV1', psp_depth=psp_depth, norm_type=norm_type,
norm_groups=norm_groups, nheads_start=nheads_start)
return net
class SplitSampler(gluon.data.sampler.Sampler):
""" Split the dataset into `num_parts` parts and sample from the part with
index `part_index`
length: int
Number of examples in the dataset
num_parts: int
Partition the data into multiple parts
part_index: int
The index of the part to read from
def __init__(self, length, num_parts=1, part_index=0):
# Compute the length of each partition
self.part_len = length // num_parts
# Compute the start index for this partition
self.start = self.part_len * part_index
# Compute the end index for this partition
self.end = self.start + self.part_len
def __iter__(self):
# Extract examples between `start` and `end`, shuffle and return them.
indices = list(range(self.start, self.end))
return iter(indices)
def __len__(self):
return self.part_len
def load_checkpoint(model_dir,ctx):
model_dir : TYPE
with warnings.catch_warnings():
logging.info('loading checkpoint')
# sm = mx.sym.load(model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-symbol.json')
# inputs = mx.sym.var('data0','data1')
# net = mx.gluon.SymbolBlock(sm, inputs)
# net.collect_params().load(model_dir + '/' + 'model-cdet-0004.params', ctx)
# net = gluon.nn.SymbolBlock( outputs=mx.sym.load_json(model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-symbol.json'), inputs=mx.sym.var('mantis_dn_cmtsk0_mantis_dn_features0_conv2dnormed0_conv0_weight'))
#net.load_params(model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-0004.params')
net = gluon.nn.SymbolBlock.imports(model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-symbol.json', ['data0','data1'], model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-0148.params', ctx=ctx)
return net
def test(model, ctx, val_data_path,size,num_workers,hvd):
model : initialized network
ctx : int/list
cpu/gpu id list
val_data : str
path to validation rec filename
size : int
number of devices available
validation f1 score
validation loss
batch_size = 2
f1_val = f1_score()
val_data = LVRCDDataset(root=r'/LEVIRCD/Files/', mode='val')
# nval = val_data.__len__()
myMTSKL = mtsk_loss()
for img1,img2,labels in datagen:
img1 = img1.as_in_context(ctx)
labels = labels.as_in_context(ctx)
outputs= model(img1,img2)
loss = myMTSKL.loss(outputs,labels)
val_loss += sum([l.sum() for l in loss.asnumpy()])
label_dists=labels[:, 2*NClasses:,:,:]
ground = [label_segm,label_bound,label_dists]
f1= f1_val.score(ground, outputs)
val_f1 += f1
return val_f1/(nval/(batch_size*size)), val_loss/(nval/size)
def train(train_data_path, val_data_path):
epochs : int
num iterations to be done over the dataset.
train_data_path : str
path to training rec/idx-pass filename.
val_data_path : str
path to validation rec/idx-pass filename.
gpu_count = mx.context.num_gpus()
ctx = [mx.gpu(i) for i in range(gpu_count)] if gpu_count > 0 else mx.cpu()
# Initialize Horovod
# Horovod: pin context to local rank
context = mx.cpu(hvd.local_rank()) if no_cuda else mx.gpu(hvd.local_rank())
num_workers = hvd.size()
CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()
sw = SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs')
epochs = 200
lr= 0.00000001
lr_decay_count = 0
log_interval = 1
NClasses= 2
NLarge_batch = 32
if load_ckpt :
# net = createModel()
# net.load_parameters('checkpoint/model-cdet-0004.params')
net = load_checkpoint("checkpoint",context)
else :
# initializing network
net = createModel()
# initializing loss
myMTSKL = mtsk_loss()
schedule = LearningSchedule(lr=lr,epoch=ep)
#f1s= f1_score()
# perform metric
calc_f1 = f1_score()
# Define our trainer for net
# Set parameters
adam_optimizer = optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=lr, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08)
# Horovod: fetch and broadcast parameters
params = net.collect_params()
if params is not None:
hvd.broadcast_parameters(params, root_rank=0)
# Horovod: create DistributedTrainer, a subclass of gluon.Trainer
trainer = hvd.DistributedTrainer(params,adam_optimizer )
train_history = TrainingHistory(['training-f1-score', 'validation-f1-score'])
# load dataset
tnorm = LVRCDNormal() # image normalization for each chip
ttransform = SemSegAugmentor_CV()
train_data=LVRCDDataset(root=r'/LEVIRCD/Files/', mode='train',transform=ttransform,norm=tnorm)
ntrain = train_data.__len__()
print("Total samples : %d" % ntrain)
# training loop
for epoch in range(ep,epochs):
tic = time.time()
train_loss = 0
for img1_b,img2_b,label_b in datagen:
img1_split = np.array_split(img1_b,16)
img2_split = np.array_split(img2_b,16)
label_split = np.array_split(label_b,16)
for i in range(len(img1_split)):
img1 = mx.nd.array(img1_split[i],context)
img2= mx.nd.array(img2_split[i],context)
labels = mx.nd.array(label_split[i],context)
with autograd.record():
outputs=net(img1, img2)
loss = myMTSKL.loss(outputs,labels)
train_loss = sum([l.sum() for l in loss.asnumpy()])
print("Loss for a batch : " , loss)
tlout = tlout + train_loss
tl_batch = tl_batch + train_loss
label_dists=labels[:, 2*NClasses:,:,:]
ground = [label_segm ,label_bound,label_dists]
f1= calc_f1.score(ground,outputs,NClasses)
# f1_score.update(labels= ground, preds=outputs)
# name,f1= f1_score.get()
fout = fout + f1
f1_batch= f1_batch + f1
# net.export("model-cdet", epoch)
# Update history and print metrics
#train_history.update([1-f1, 1-val_f1])
print('[Epoch %d] f1-score=%f train_loss=%f time: %f' %
(epoch, f1_batch/(NLarge_batch/batch_size), tl_batch/NLarge_batch, time.time()-tic))
# manually zero the gradients before# the next batch evaluation
for weight_variable in net.collect_params().values():
#sw.add_scalar(tag='train_f1score', value=fout/(ntrain/(batch_size *hvd.size())), global_step=epoch)
# saving model parameters and weights
print('[Epoch %d] Train-f1 = %f Train-loss = %f'% (epoch,
fout/(ntrain/(batch_size * hvd.size())), tlout/(ntrain/hvd.size())))
if (epoch % 4==0):
# lr= trainer.learning_rate
# trainer.set_learning_rate(lr * 2)
trainer.save_states("states" + str(epoch))
# if hvd.rank() == 0:
# logging.info('Epoch[%d]\tTrain-f1 = %f\tTrain-loss = %f', epoch,
# fout/ntrain/batch_size, train_loss/ntrain)
if fout/(ntrain/batch_size*hvd.size()) > 0.7 and tlout/(ntrain/hvd.size()) < 0.1:
net.export("model-cdet", epoch)
print('performing validation')
val_f1, val_loss= test(net, context, val_data_path,hvd.size(),num_workers,hvd)
print('[Epoch %d] val_loss=%f f1-val=%f' %
(epoch, val_loss, val_f1))
if abs(val_loss - val_prev) < 0.0005:
myMTSKL.depth= myMTSKL.depth + 10
val_prev = val_loss
if __name__ == "__main__":
train_data_path = "training_LVRCD_F256"
val_data_path = "validation_LVRCD_F256"
# Training settings
#args = parse_args()
train( train_data_path, val_data_path)
Hi @Farihaa , you are doing several things differently, some I cannot know how they affect performance.
One of the bugs in the code is that in your training you do not implement the delayed gradients routine. For this you need to set explicitly the grad_req='add'
for all network parameters. The default value is write, which means you are still using batch size of 2 (per iteration), and every time you call the loss value (and backward) the new gradient values overwrite the previous evaluation. You need to add the following after the network definition
net = CreateModel()
# Increase batch size under memory limitations
for weight_variable in net.collect_params().values():
weight_variable.grad_req = 'add'
Example of training routine (but for mxnet 2.0, there are differences on how you manually zero the gradients). Here opt.batch_size is the batch size per gpu and update delay rate how many iterations one should wait until updating the weight variables.
def train(epochs,ctx,flname_write):
with open(flname_write,"w") as f:
ref_metric = 1000
for epoch in range(epoch_start,epochs):
tic = time.time()
train_loss = 0
# Loop through each batch of training data
for i, (data,label) in enumerate(datagen_train):
print("\rWithin epoch completion:: {}/{}".format(i+1,len(datagen_train)),end='',flush=True)
# Extract data and label
data = mx.np.array(data,ctx=ctx)
label = mx.np.array(label,ctx=ctx)
# AutoGrad
with autograd.record():
outputs = net(data)
loss = loss_fn(outputs,label)
# Optimize
if (counter % opt.update_delay_rate==0):
trainer.step(opt.batch_size *opt.update_delay_rate)
# reset internal counter
counter = 1
increase_counter = False
if increase_counter:
counter += 1
# Update metrics
train_loss += loss.sum() #sum(losses)
train_metric.update(label, outputs)
train_loss = train_loss / len(datagen_train)
name, train_mse = train_metric.get()
# Evaluate on Validation data
nd.waitall() # necessary to avoid cuda malloc
name, val_mse = test(ctx, net, datagen_dev)
# Print metrics
# print both on screen and in file
print('epoch={} train_mse={} val_mse={} train_loss={} time={}'.format(epoch, train_mse, val_mse, train_loss, time.time()-tic))
print(epoch, train_mse, val_mse, train_loss, file=f,flush=True)
if val_mse < ref_metric:
# Save best model parameters, according to minimum val_mse
ref_metric = val_mse
I do not know how these variables affect training (I use default values):
os.environ['MXNET_GPU_MEM_POOL_RESERVE'] = '19'
os.environ['MXNET_BACKWARD_DO_MIRROR'] = '1'
os.environ['MXNET_GPU_COPY_NTHREADS'] = '1'
In the evaluation of the score you perform argmax along the batch axis, not the channel (classes) axes, this should give erroneous score (however this does not mean the model is training, it is the visualizations that make the difference in performance).
def score(self,ground,outputs,NClasses=2):
pred_segm = np.argmax(outputs[0].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() # <==== axis 0 is batch axis, not classes axes.
pred_bound = np.argmax(outputs[1].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() # <==== axis 0 is batch axis, not classes axes.
pred_dists = np.argmax(outputs[2].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() # <==== axis 0 is batch axis, not classes axes.
# In our implementation of the labels, we stack together the [segmentation, boundary, distance] labels,
# along the channel axis.
# reshaping labels
label_segm = np.argmax(ground[0].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() # <==== axis 0 is batch axis, not classes axes.
label_bound = np.argmax(ground[1].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() # <==== axis 0 is batch axis, not classes axes.
label_dists = np.argmax(ground[2].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() # <==== axis 0 is batch axis, not classes axes.
# metric calculation
cm_segm = ConfusionMatrix(label_segm,pred_segm,digit=3)
cm_bound = ConfusionMatrix(label_bound,pred_bound,digit=3)
cm_dists = ConfusionMatrix(label_dists,pred_dists,digit=3) # as explained in previous comment, these are regression variables.
print ("Segment F1 score : " , cm_segm.F1)
segm_f1 =sum([cm_segm.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses
# bound_f1 =sum([cm_bound.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses
# dists_f1 = sum([cm_dists.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses
return segm_f1
I do not know what learning schedule you are using, but you don't need one to get SOTA - babysitting is better (we did not use lr schedule).
I will look more carefully tomorrow and get back to you. It will help if you provide visualizations of the data.
Regards, Foivos
Thank you once again for such a detailed reply. Okay so when I calculate f1 score against class axis, it is actually good. So for visualising results and data, I did visualise but since patches are extracted from each image so it is not a complete image I see. I was trying to visualise inference results, so even for that I would have to extract patches and then pass through the model, right? How do I create complete image like I see in the paper?
Hi @Farihaa , happy you got it working (hope you sorted out also the delayed gradients issue). With regards to inference, the process is the one described in the change detection paper (this repository), and in a bit more detail in the resunet-a paper. The idea is that you do inference on overlapping windows and then you average the prediction "probability" on the parts of image that overlaps. You will need to write custom code for that, as we do not provide code for inference over large rasters.
Best of luck and post some of your results :)
These are the results I got on a test image. I used the sliding window method to perform inferences. The third and fourth images represent ground truth and inference result respectively.
However, I am getting a 31.5 second inference time for a single image on gpu. What was your inference time? Are there any optimisations to lower the inference time?
Hi Fariha, the results show that your model is training properly. You need to train (probably much) longer in order to get optimal performance, but they look great for a starting point, my compliments! I do not remember inference time, but it took me ~1-2 hours on CSIRO HPC facilities.
Thank you, you helped a lot. Yes that is true, it needs more training. I wanted to ask if I lower the image size and then apply the sliding window method on the resized image, do you think the model performance would degrade? I wanted to experiment with inference time to lower to it.
In principle - especially given you are doing zoom in/out operations as data augmentation during training - image resolution does not affect performance that much (assuming you are within the training scaling range), but you should anticipate performance drop if you go in size other than the original resolution. I cannot quantify how much, and it really is a question of cost vs performance issue.
Hi @Farihaa, please see issue #6 - I updated the repository fixing this. You should see improved performance after this bug was fixed.
My apologies, it was introduced when I was writing a clean version of the code.
Here, '#' before a line represents that it is commented.
from mxnet import nd from models.changedetection.mantis.mantis_dn import * from mxnet import autograd,optimizer,gluon import mxnet as mx import horovod.mxnet as hvd from multiprocessing import cpu_count from mxboard import SummaryWriter from nn.loss.mtsk_loss import * from src.LVRCDDataset import * from src.LVRCDNormal import* from src.semseg_aug_cv2 import* from gluoncv.utils import makedirs, TrainingHistory, export_block from pycm import * import os import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm import time import numpy as np # linear algebra import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv) import logging import random import warnings import argparse from skimage.io import imread import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries from skimage.measure import label, regionprops import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from skimage.util import montage from skimage.io import imread , imsave import numpy as np montage_rgb = lambda x: np.stack([montage(x[:, :, :, i]) for i in range(x.shape[3])], -1) from skimage.morphology import label os.environ['MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT'] = '1' os.environ['MXNET_GPU_MEM_POOL_RESERVE'] = '19' os.environ['MXNET_BACKWARD_DO_MIRROR'] = '1' os.environ['MXNET_GPU_COPY_NTHREADS'] = '1' no_cuda=False load_ckpt =True ep=131 if not no_cuda: # Disable CUDA if there are no GPUs. if mx.context.num_gpus() == 0: no_cuda = True def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=2, help='training batch size per worker (default: 64)') parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=30, help='number of training epochs (default: 5)') parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.0001, help='learning rate (default: 0.01)') parser.add_argument('--load_ckpt', action="store_true", default=False, help='load checkpoints from directory') args = parser.parse_args() return args class f1_score(object): """ Here NClasses = 2 by default, for a binary segmentation problem in 1hot representation """ def __init__(self,depth=0, NClasses=2): self.skip = NClasses def score(self,ground,outputs,NClasses=2): pred_segm = np.argmax(outputs[0].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() pred_bound = np.argmax(outputs[1].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() pred_dists = np.argmax(outputs[2].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() # In our implementation of the labels, we stack together the [segmentation, boundary, distance] labels, # along the channel axis. # reshaping labels label_segm = np.argmax(ground[0].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() label_bound = np.argmax(ground[1].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() label_dists = np.argmax(ground[2].asnumpy(), axis=0).flatten() # metric calculation cm_segm = ConfusionMatrix(label_segm,pred_segm,digit=3) cm_bound = ConfusionMatrix(label_bound,pred_bound,digit=3) cm_dists = ConfusionMatrix(label_dists,pred_dists,digit=3) print ("Segment F1 score : " , cm_segm.F1) segm_f1 =sum([cm_segm.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses # bound_f1 =sum([cm_bound.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses # dists_f1 = sum([cm_dists.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses return segm_f1 def createModel(): # D6nf32 example depth = 6 norm_type = 'GroupNorm' norm_groups = 4 ftdepth = 5 NClasses = 2 nfilters_init = 32 psp_depth = 4 nheads_start = 4 #intialize net net = mantis_dn_cmtsk(nfilters_init=nfilters_init, NClasses=NClasses, depth=depth, ftdepth=ftdepth, model='CEECNetV1', psp_depth=psp_depth, norm_type=norm_type, norm_groups=norm_groups, nheads_start=nheads_start) return net class SplitSampler(gluon.data.sampler.Sampler): """ Split the dataset into `num_parts` parts and sample from the part with index `part_index` Parameters ---------- length: int Number of examples in the dataset num_parts: int Partition the data into multiple parts part_index: int The index of the part to read from """ def __init__(self, length, num_parts=1, part_index=0): # Compute the length of each partition self.part_len = length // num_parts # Compute the start index for this partition self.start = self.part_len * part_index # Compute the end index for this partition self.end = self.start + self.part_len def __iter__(self): # Extract examples between `start` and `end`, shuffle and return them. indices = list(range(self.start, self.end)) random.shuffle(indices) return iter(indices) def __len__(self): return self.part_len def load_checkpoint(model_dir,ctx): ''' Paramete ---------- model_dir : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. ''' with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") logging.info('loading checkpoint') # sm = mx.sym.load(model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-symbol.json') # inputs = mx.sym.var('data0','data1') # net = mx.gluon.SymbolBlock(sm, inputs) # net.collect_params().load(model_dir + '/' + 'model-cdet-0004.params', ctx) # net = gluon.nn.SymbolBlock( outputs=mx.sym.load_json(model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-symbol.json'), inputs=mx.sym.var('mantis_dn_cmtsk0_mantis_dn_features0_conv2dnormed0_conv0_weight')) #net.load_params(model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-0004.params') net = gluon.nn.SymbolBlock.imports(model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-symbol.json', ['data0','data1'], model_dir +'/'+ 'model-cdet-0148.params', ctx=ctx) return net def test(model, ctx, val_data_path,size,num_workers,hvd): ''' Parameters ---------- model : initialized network ctx : int/list cpu/gpu id list val_data : str path to validation rec filename size : int number of devices available Returns ------- float validation f1 score float validation loss ''' batch_size = 2 f1_val = f1_score() val_data = LVRCDDataset(root=r'/LEVIRCD/Files/', mode='val') nval=val_data.__len__() datagen=gluon.data.DataLoader(val_data,batch_size=batch_size,sampler=SplitSampler(nval,num_workers,hvd.rank())) # nval = val_data.__len__() myMTSKL = mtsk_loss() val_loss=0 val_f1=0 for img1,img2,labels in datagen: img1 = img1.as_in_context(ctx) img2=img2.as_in_context(ctx) labels = labels.as_in_context(ctx) outputs= model(img1,img2) loss = myMTSKL.loss(outputs,labels) val_loss += sum([l.sum() for l in loss.asnumpy()]) label_segm=labels[:,:NClasses,:,:] label_bound=labels[:,NClasses:2*NClasses,:,:] label_dists=labels[:, 2*NClasses:,:,:] ground = [label_segm,label_bound,label_dists] f1= f1_val.score(ground, outputs) val_f1 += f1 return val_f1/(nval/(batch_size*size)), val_loss/(nval/size) def train(train_data_path, val_data_path): ''' Parameters ---------- epochs : int num iterations to be done over the dataset. train_data_path : str path to training rec/idx-pass filename. val_data_path : str path to validation rec/idx-pass filename. Returns ------- None. ''' gpu_count = mx.context.num_gpus() ctx = [mx.gpu(i) for i in range(gpu_count)] if gpu_count > 0 else mx.cpu() # Initialize Horovod hvd.init() # Horovod: pin context to local rank context = mx.cpu(hvd.local_rank()) if no_cuda else mx.gpu(hvd.local_rank()) num_workers = hvd.size() CPU_COUNT = cpu_count() sw = SummaryWriter(logdir='./logs') epochs = 200 lr= 0.00000001 lr_decay_count = 0 log_interval = 1 NClasses= 2 batch_size=2 NLarge_batch = 32 if load_ckpt : # net = createModel() # net.load_parameters('checkpoint/model-cdet-0004.params') ep=153 net = load_checkpoint("checkpoint",context) else : # initializing network ep=0 net = createModel() net.hybridize() # initializing loss myMTSKL = mtsk_loss() schedule = LearningSchedule(lr=lr,epoch=ep) #f1s= f1_score() # perform metric calc_f1 = f1_score() # Define our trainer for net # Set parameters adam_optimizer = optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=lr, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08) net.initialize(ctx=context) #net.collect_params().reset_ctx(context) # Horovod: fetch and broadcast parameters params = net.collect_params() if params is not None: hvd.broadcast_parameters(params, root_rank=0) # Horovod: create DistributedTrainer, a subclass of gluon.Trainer trainer = hvd.DistributedTrainer(params,adam_optimizer ) train_history = TrainingHistory(['training-f1-score', 'validation-f1-score']) # load dataset tnorm = LVRCDNormal() # image normalization for each chip ttransform = SemSegAugmentor_CV() train_data=LVRCDDataset(root=r'/LEVIRCD/Files/', mode='train',transform=ttransform,norm=tnorm) ntrain = train_data.__len__() print("Total samples : %d" % ntrain) datagen=gluon.data.DataLoader(train_data,batch_size=NLarge_batch,last_batch='discard',num_workers=CPU_COUNT,pin_memory=True,sampler=SplitSampler(ntrain,num_workers,hvd.rank())) val_prev=0 # training loop for epoch in range(ep,epochs): tic = time.time() train_loss = 0 j=0 fout=0 tlout=0 for img1_b,img2_b,label_b in datagen: tl_batch=0 f1_batch=0 img1_split = np.array_split(img1_b,16) img2_split = np.array_split(img2_b,16) label_split = np.array_split(label_b,16) for i in range(len(img1_split)): img1 = mx.nd.array(img1_split[i],context) img2= mx.nd.array(img2_split[i],context) labels = mx.nd.array(label_split[i],context) with autograd.record(): outputs=net(img1, img2) loss = myMTSKL.loss(outputs,labels) loss.backward() train_loss = sum([l.sum() for l in loss.asnumpy()]) print("Loss for a batch : " , loss) tlout = tlout + train_loss tl_batch = tl_batch + train_loss #print(train_loss) label_segm=labels[:,:NClasses,:,:] label_bound=labels[:,NClasses:2*NClasses,:,:] label_dists=labels[:, 2*NClasses:,:,:] ground = [label_segm ,label_bound,label_dists] f1= calc_f1.score(ground,outputs,NClasses) # f1_score.update(labels= ground, preds=outputs) # name,f1= f1_score.get() fout = fout + f1 f1_batch= f1_batch + f1 trainer.step(NLarge_batch) # net.export("model-cdet", epoch) # Update history and print metrics #train_history.update([1-f1, 1-val_f1]) print('[Epoch %d] f1-score=%f train_loss=%f time: %f' % (epoch, f1_batch/(NLarge_batch/batch_size), tl_batch/NLarge_batch, time.time()-tic)) j=0 # manually zero the gradients before# the next batch evaluation for weight_variable in net.collect_params().values(): weight_variable.zero_grad() #sw.add_scalar(tag='train_f1score', value=fout/(ntrain/(batch_size *hvd.size())), global_step=epoch) # saving model parameters and weights print('[Epoch %d] Train-f1 = %f Train-loss = %f'% (epoch, fout/(ntrain/(batch_size * hvd.size())), tlout/(ntrain/hvd.size()))) if (epoch % 4==0): net.export("model-cdet",epoch) # lr= trainer.learning_rate # trainer.set_learning_rate(lr * 2) trainer.save_states("states" + str(epoch)) # if hvd.rank() == 0: # logging.info('Epoch[%d]\tTrain-f1 = %f\tTrain-loss = %f', epoch, # fout/ntrain/batch_size, train_loss/ntrain) if fout/(ntrain/batch_size*hvd.size()) > 0.7 and tlout/(ntrain/hvd.size()) < 0.1: net.export("model-cdet", epoch) print('performing validation') val_f1, val_loss= test(net, context, val_data_path,hvd.size(),num_workers,hvd) print('[Epoch %d] val_loss=%f f1-val=%f' % (epoch, val_loss, val_f1)) if abs(val_loss - val_prev) < 0.0005: lr=trainer.learning_rate trainer.set_learning_rate(lr/10) myMTSKL.depth= myMTSKL.depth + 10 val_prev = val_loss if __name__ == "__main__": train_data_path = "training_LVRCD_F256" val_data_path = "validation_LVRCD_F256" # Training settings #args = parse_args() train( train_data_path, val_data_path) #main()
depth:= 0, nfilters: 32, nheads::4, widths::1 depth:= 1, nfilters: 64, nheads::8, widths::1 depth:= 2, nfilters: 128, nheads::16, widths::1 depth:= 3, nfilters: 256, nheads::32, widths::1 depth:= 4, nfilters: 512, nheads::64, widths::1 depth:= 5, nfilters: 1024, nheads::128, widths::1 depth:= 6, nfilters: 512, nheads::128, widths::1 depth:= 7, nfilters: 256, nheads::64, widths::1 depth:= 8, nfilters: 128, nheads::32, widths::1 depth:= 9, nfilters: 64, nheads::16, widths::1 depth:= 10, nfilters: 32, nheads::8, widths::1 Total samples : 16288 [12:12:27] src/operator/nn/./cudnn/./cudnn_algoreg-inl.h:97: Running performance tests to find the best convolution algorithm, this can take a while... (set the environment variable MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT to 0 to disable) [12:12:30] src/operator/nn/./cudnn/./cudnn_algoreg-inl.h:97: Running performance tests to find the best convolution algorithm, this can take a while... (set the environment variable MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT to 0 to disable) [12:12:31] src/operator/nn/./cudnn/cudnn_pooling-inl.h:375: 0D pooling is not supported by cudnn, MXNet 0D pooling is applied. [12:12:32] src/operator/nn/./cudnn/./cudnn_algoreg-inl.h:97: Running performance tests to find the best convolution algorithm, this can take a while... (set the environment variable MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT to 0 to disable) Loss for a batch :
[0.5339367] <NDArray 1 @gpu(0)> Segment F1 score : {'0': 1.0, '~other~': 'None'} Traceback (most recent call last): File "issues-code.py", line 426, intrain( train_data_path, val_data_path) File "issues-code.py", line 371, in train f1= calc_f1.score(ground,outputs,NClasses) File "issues-code.py", line 98, in score segm_f1 =sum([cm_segm.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses File "issues-code.py", line 98, in segm_f1 =sum([cm_segm.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses KeyError: 0
Hi @Farihaa @feevos I've been trying to train on LEVIRCD Dataset using miss Farihaa's given code and I'm stuck at this error. I would be grateful if u could help me figure out the solution to this error. Thankyou.
Hi @humayunah , the error suggests the dictionary cm_segm.F1 does not have key 0, so there is something wrong there.
Thanks for the reply @feevos . But the problem is in the output of cm_segm.F1 = {'0': 1.0, 'other': 'None'}
segm_f1 =sum([cm_segm.F1[f] for f in range(NClasses)])/NClasses
and even if I loop through the dictionary using 'dict'.items(), the sum of the two values is '1.0 + None' which evaluates to the TypeError operation. Could you evaluate why the second value of the cm_segm.F1 is 'None'. Thanks
I have no idea @humayunah and - since I haven't written this training code, I am afraid I cannot help here. But you can easily remove this monitoring function, replace it with one of yours and take it from there? I will add a simple training code in the repository in the revision of the paper (almost there).
@humayunah The 'none' value comes out when score for that label does not exist because that class does not exit in the data point. So you will have to decide how do you want to proceed with the calculation of overall F1 score if a certain class does not exist in a sample
Thank you, you helped a lot. Yes that is true, it needs more training. I wanted to ask if I lower the image size and then apply the sliding window method on the resized image, do you think the model performance would degrade? I wanted to experiment with inference time to lower to it.
Dear Farihaa, I recently saw this excellent document and want to run it, but I found that there is no train.py. I saw your communication here. Can you share the final version of the train you are running? Many thanks
or my email:[email protected] Thank you again