Symbian port use implicit NDEBUG for releases and _DEBUG for debug. It's good to stop and exit from game with UI mesagge like "Abnormal situation happen to game. Send your...
@chcg, I think curl is good as fallback. It supports modern cryptography and various protocols. I have XPx64sp2 and got same error too.
@Eagle3386, how many times you will repeat that thing? And why you waste peoples' time to read it?
@nanonyme, replace widespreaded executable with update so untrivial task. If plugin can't open by https it call curl.exe and visa versa. Then report job result to user. Alternative - open...
@bruderstein, will you fix this isue? @ivanbuto, say something...
Tried Proton 8.0 on steam deck - audio still crackles.