json_encode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
json_encode copied to clipboard

Simple JSON encoder for usage in shell. Could by handy for sysadmins / devops / developers.

json_encode for shell

Build Status Code Coverage Go Report Card GoDoc License: GPL v3

JSON encoder for Shell is designed to transform data from different sources into JSON format for further processing.

Could be useful for syadmins, devops and developers for data collection, exchange and unification (ELK, custom dashboards ...).


golang 1.9+ should be installed. Go environment is very simple to install.

To compile :

git clone https://github.com/fedir/json_encode.git
cd json_encode
go build

After You could put compiled json_encode in Your favourite bin folder.


-s string     Separator for lines splitting (default " ")
-sc           Enable simple columns, lines will be splitted by defined separator
-p            Pretty-printing

Usage examples

Simple string

echo "Hello world" | ./json_encode
["Hello world"]

Simple generated array

seq 1 10 | ./json_encode

Simple array from file listing

ls /usr/local/go/src/ | head -n 5 | ./json_encode

Apache logs

tail -n 3 /var/log/apache2/access_log | ./json_encode
[" - - [04/Nov/2017:00:40:54 +0100] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 304 -"," - - [04/Nov/2017:00:57:57 +0100] \"-\" 408 -"," - - [04/Nov/2017:00:57:57 +0100] \"-\" 408 -"]

Git log, transformed into an array of records with separated columns

$ git log --date=local --pretty=format:"%h|%an|%ad|%s" -n 3 | ./json_encode -sc -s "|" -p
        "Fedir RYKHTIK",
        "Fri Feb 16 00:34:01 2018",
        "Advanced examples"
        "Fedir RYKHTIK",
        "Fri Feb 16 00:21:31 2018",
        "Cleaning from comments for better readability"
        "Fedir RYKHTIK",
        "Fri Feb 16 00:20:20 2018",