Brida copied to clipboard
Exception with getting info Android/iOS
Exception with getting info Android/iOS net.razorvine.pyro.PyroException: [frida.core.RPCException] unable to find method 'getplatform'
Frida clearly shows that it is Android, why does it still say that it cannot be obtained?
Hi @zangcc,
Do you created Brida defulat JS files using the button "Create default JS files"? Because you need to create those files to start. Then if you want you can put your own Frida hooks inside brida.js.
Those JS files include JS code used by Brida, including "getplatform" function.
i have created js.
I have clicked the button "Create default JS files", and there are js files under this path, and the path on brida is also correct, but the problem still exists. @federicodotta
我已经解决了,这是我自己琢磨出来的解决办法,先点击reload js,再点击Compile & reload JS,就可以解决这个问题。看来是0.6版本的Brida在这里是个bug。
I have solved it, this is my own figured out the solution, first click reload js, then click Compile & reload JS, you can solve this problem. It seems that version 0.6 of Brida is a bug
我已经解决了,这是我自己琢磨出来的解决办法,先点击reload js,再点击Compile & reload JS,就可以解决这个问题。看来是0.6版本的Brida在这里是个bug。
I have solved it, this is my own figured out the solution, first click reload js, then click Compile & reload JS, you can solve this problem. It seems that version 0.6 of Brida is a bug
I have the same issue, and I try many times Reload JS and Compile & reload JS but not works, it still throw the Exception [frida.core.RPCException] unable to find method 'getplatform', and I uninstall the version 0.6 Of Brida and reinstall 0.5 version everything is well, maybe it really has a bug at 0.6 version.
我也有相同的问题,我尝试了多次重新加载JS和编译重载JS但仍然无效,它仍然会抛出 [frida.core.RPCException] unable to find method 'getplatform' 这样的异常,然后我卸载了0.6版本的Brida并且重新安装旧的0.5版本一切就都正常了,看来确实是0.6版本有bug
Unfortunately I can't replicate your issue. In my environments it works well.
One thing: if you made some changes to the JS code you have to click on "Compile&Spawn" or "Compile&Attach" instead of "Spawn" or "Attach", because after each JS modification the JS file should be recompiled. "Spawn" and "attach" are quicker alternatives when you want to spawn or attach with the same JS and skip recompilation. "Compile&Reload" JS do the same operation with the app already spawned/attached.