Federico Ciardi

Results 30 issues of Federico Ciardi

```js const obj = { foo: { '4.0': 'foo' } } ``` To validate this we have to use a wildcard symbol in front of the square brackets: ```js body('foo.*[4.0]').isString()...

i: enhancement
i: bug

> It makes sense they cannot be used as options as it makes no sense to combine them with anything else and I don't think anyone will ever try to...


### Sanity checks - [X] My issue relates to a specific CLI completion spec (e.g. `git checkout` is missing options in `git` completion spec). If your issue is more general,...


**What kind of change does this PR introduce? (Bug fix, feature, docs update, ...)** **What is the current behavior? (You can also link to an open issue here)** **What is...

/cc @kailan It is working now! Any chance we can work to get `push-to-autocomplete-action` working for fastly?

Hello maintainers! We are adding the velociraptor spec to [Fig](https://github.com/withfig/autocomplete/pull/904) and we are encountering troubles parsing the output of `vr`. I think it should be possible to add a `--json`...

What about adding a button to allow the user to download an npm package configured as the REPL but using babel-cli?

## Description To be merged after #1279 Closes #1230 Closes https://github.com/express-validator/express-validator/issues/1243 Related https://github.com/express-validator/express-validator/issues/755#issuecomment-1933821161 Maybe it is not the best time for doing this since we just released v7, but I...

PR: bug fix
⚠️ Breaking