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Simple role and service method permissions for Feathers


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Simple role and service method permissions for Feathers

Note: This module implements a hook simple role and service method based permissions checked against the permissions in a user (entity) object. More complex requirements can already be implemented as custom Feathers hooks. See here and here for more information.


npm install feathers-permissions --save

Important: The feathers-permissions hook should be used after the authenticate() hook from @feathersjs/authentication.

Simple example

The following example will limit all messages service calls to users that have admin in their roles:

const feathers = require('@feathersjs/feathers');
const memory = require('feathers-memory');
const checkPermissions = require('feathers-permissions');
const app = feathers();

app.use('/messages', memory());

  before: [
      roles: [ 'admin' ]

// User from the database
const user = {
  email: '[email protected]',
  permissions: [ 'admin' ]


Feathers permissions allows you to grant and manage permissions in a flexible nature based on role and service method. Each object that requires permissions must have an array or a comma separated string of permissions stored on it (typically in your database).


The following options are available:

  • roles - A list of permission roles to check or a function that takes the hook context and returns a list of roles. Can be a comma separated string of roles or an array of roles.
  • entity (default: user) - The name of the entity (params[entity])
  • field (default: permissions) - The name of the permissions field on the entity. May be dot separated to access nested fields.
  • error - If set to false will not throw a Forbidden error but instead set params.permitted to true or false. Useful for chaining permission hooks.

Permission format

The list of permissions will be obtained from params[entity] and field. It can be a comma separate list or an array of permissions in the following format:

  • * - Allow everything
  • ${role} or ${role}:* - Allow every service method (find, get, create, update, patch, remove) for role
  • *:${method} - Allow method service method for any role
  • ${role}:${method} - Allow method service method for role

This means the following use of feathers-permissions:

  before: checkPermissions({
    roles: [ 'admin', 'user' ]

Will allow user permissions containing *, admin:*, user:* and the service method that is being called (e.g. admin:create or user:find and *:create and *:find).

The following will create a dynamic permission based on the hook context.path:

  before: checkPermissions({
    roles: context => {
      return [ 'admin', context.path ];

Permissions can also be assembled asynchronously:

  before: checkPermissions({
    roles: async context => {
      const { user } = context.params;
      const roles = await app.service('roles').find({
        query: {
          userId: user._id

      return roles.data;

Conditionally restricting permissions

To conditionally either allow access by roles or otherwise restrict to the current user, a combination of feathers-permissions - setting the error option to false - feathers-authentication-hooks and feathers-hooks-common#iff (checking for params.permitted) can be used:

  before: {
    find: [
        roles: ['super_admin', 'admin'],
        field: 'roles',
        error: false
      iff(context => !context.params.permitted,
          from: 'params.user._id',
          as: 'params.query.userId'

More examples

const feathers = require('@feathersjs/feathers');
const memory = require('feathers-memory');
const checkPermissions = require('feathers-permissions');
const app = feathers();

app.use('/messages', memory());

  before: checkPermissions({
    roles: [ 'admin', 'messages' ]

// User from the database (e.g. added via @feathersjs/authentication)
const user = {
  email: '[email protected]',
  permissions: [ 'messages:find', 'messages:get' ]
  // Also possible
  permissions: 'messages:find,messages:get'

const admin = {
  email: '[email protected]',
  permissions: [ 'admin:*' ]

// Will pass

// Will fail

// Will pass
  provider: 'rest', // this will be set automatically by external calls
  user: admin


Copyright (c) 2019

Licensed under the MIT license.