Fred de Villamil
Fred de Villamil
Use a small lightbox, always cleaner
Improve existing auto replace textfilters to allow embedding of various contents: - Twitter accounts (done) - Hashtags (done) - Links (done) - Images - Video - Youtube - Vimeo -...
Feature: - Only display the 10 last posts title on the page - Display name + medium sized avatar - Display profile informations - Display information like number of articles,...
Users should not have to go to the Twitter app page to get their oauth keys. Implements the usual "connect to Twitter" workflow.
As notes allow replying to a tweet, they should allow to retweet some content. For the UI part, see
Excerpt has been removed but is still called here and there. Should not at least in the default theme
So the "enable spam protection" is useless
This is already possible as you can set `foo/bar/whatever` as a permalink, but it should be nice to have something really consistent (like in the listing). I was thinking about...