Felix Dietze

Results 133 comments of Felix Dietze

Thank you. Are there any benchmarks which show how much slower exactly that is? We have to evaluate, if it makes sense to implement a custom module or use some...

duplicate: #203 Are there any plans to support passive events?

This change broke my app as well. I think it's ok to release breaking changes, as long as semantic versioning is followed. See https://dart.dev/tools/pub/versioning for more details.

Just wanted to say that https://rssh.github.io/dotty-cps-async/index.html is working very well for me, so far.

Or is it possible to wrap the code with other code before execution in the browser? That would also be an option for me.

I started to work on the outwatch documentation again and want to automatically generate the corresponding html code for static content: https://github.com/outwatch/outwatch#concatenating-strings It doesn't matter much if it's evaluated at...

> Have you considered writing an invisible helper method called “div” that implements your desired functionality? Very interesting idea! This is what I tried: ```scala mdoc:js:shared:invisible def div(modifiers: VDomModifier*):String =...

Yes, I think either would solve my case. An implicit sounds more elegant to me. Would there be any downsides?

Probably useful snippet to include in the docs: `build.sbt`: ```scala scalacOptions += { val local = baseDirectory.value.toURI val remote = s"https://raw.githubusercontent.com///${git.gitHeadCommit.value.get}/" s"-P:scalajs:mapSourceURI:$local->$remote" } ``` `plugins.sbt`: ```scala addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-git" %...

If it's so urgent, I suggest you add it yourself and make a PR. It's very straight-forward, since this library is just a wrapper of the iOS and android libraries....