Picard-Last.fm.ng-Plugin copied to clipboard
New genre tag list
I had worked on updating the genre list in this plugin earlier this year, and I just ran across this page and thought I'd post what I did if it can be of help, since I saw your note in the default.ini file: "#TODO i am not very happy with this. maybe the contemporary genres list in wikipedia would be better as a basis for grouping."
I found a huge 'list of tags' (although I don't think it's necessarily up to date) pulled from lastfm here:
I put all tags with a frequency of over 100 (for example, Dub Techno had 165) into the ini (but it wasn't working right until I put them into the grouping section rather than genre, I still don't understand those options yet). My goal was to get just 1 genre tag in, I don't care about groupings or anything else, so fooling around with the ini I disabled the rest.
So now when I put the album in Picard with your plugin, it correctly inserts Dub Techno (as an example - it was missing before) into genre, and I feel this list should cover everything else I throw at it!
(NOTES: To get the list into the ini file comma separated, I downloaded the list of tags to Excel (using only tags with counts of 100 and up), and split them by putting the genre in column b, the count in column c (both from column a), and then going to editing -> fill -> flash fill to isolate the genre tags from the counts
Then I copied the genre list to notepad2, and replaced the line returns (\r\n - make sure to check 'transform backslashes') with ', ' to make one long comma separated list
The columbia.edu link is dead. Does anyone have an alternate source, or would it be possible for someone to share the resulting ini entry info?
I've created a list based on the Beets LastGenre Plugin.
The plugin chooses genres based on a whitelist, meaning that only certain tags can be considered genres. This way, tags like “my favorite music” or “seen live” won’t be considered genres. The plugin ships with a fairly extensive internal whitelist, but you can set your own in the config file using the whitelist configuration value or forgo a whitelist altogether by setting the option to false.
The genre list file should contain one genre per line. Blank lines are ignored. For the curious, the default genre list is generated by a script that scrapes Wikipedia.
The resulting file I ended up with can be found here: https://cloud.mgdn.nl/s/nMCWxAhLEKuDYjD
I have abandoned the Picard plugin and gone back to using mp3tag for genre after doing most of the scraping with Picard. Works better for me, except takes more work since you need to select all the tracks one artist at a time and run the script on each batch of them rather than it being done automatically like Picard. If anyone else is interested here are the details with the script I used:
Maybe off topic for the rest here, but maybe some others can get ideas from my workflow: For the rest of my tagging in addition to the regular scraping and genre tagging, I also Use foobar2000 (with DarkOne4Mod v1 https://tedgo.deviantart.com/art/DarkOne4Mod-v1-637189138) to get replaygain and lyrics using Lyrics Show Panel (https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_uie_lyrics3).
If I'm making a mix with the tracks I use this dude's script to help with normalizing the replaygain values: https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,104536.0.html .
I use MediaElch nightlies (although they can be buggy and this isn't too necessary) to scrape info for use in Kodi or other media apps: http://www.kvibes.de/en/mediaelch/ .
For album art that isn't found by picard or MediaElch I use the great Album Art Downloader: https://sourceforge.net/projects/album-art/
I used to split my main music folders between mp3 and flac, but I have merged them and found no problems after I've done all my scraping to add {mp3} to the album folder names for those to differentiate, so my paths look like 'artist\album {mp3}', or just 'artist\album' if flac.
If I'm testing loudness for different versions of an album I use this foobar2000 addon: http://www.pleasurizemusic.com/de/free-downloads
And Serato DJ is currently best for adding BPM and key tags (but only seems to add bpm to FLAC and not mp3 if I remember correctly).