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dotfiles copied to clipboard

fcsonline dotfiles

These are my dotfiles implemented with chezmoi

chezmoi stores the desired state of your dotfiles in the directory ~/.local/share/chezmoi. When you run chezmoi apply, chezmoi calculates the desired contents and permissions for each dotfile and then makes any changes necessary so that your dotfiles match that state.

Start using chezmoi on your current machine

Assuming that you have already installed chezmoi, initialize chezmoi with:

$ chezmoi init

This will create a new git local repository in ~/.local/share/chezmoi where chezmoi will store its source state. By default, chezmoi only modifies files in the working copy.

Manage your first file with chezmoi:

$ chezmoi add ~/.bashrc

This will copy ~/.bashrc to ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_bashrc.

Edit the source state:

$ chezmoi edit ~/.bashrc

This will open ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_bashrc in your $EDITOR. Make some changes and save the file.

See what changes chezmoi would make:

$ chezmoi diff

Apply the changes:

$ chezmoi -v apply

All chezmoi commands accept the -v (verbose) flag to print out exactly what changes they will make to the file system, and the -n (dry run) flag to not make any actual changes. The combination -n -v is very useful if you want to see exactly what changes would be made.

Next, open a shell in the source directory, to commit your changes:

$ chezmoi cd
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Create a new repository on GitHub called dotfiles and then push your repo:

$ git remote add origin [email protected]:username/dotfiles.git
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -u origin main

Other stuff

Other interesting files in this repository:

  • packages: list of all packages installed through the classic APT repositories
  • flatpacks: list of all packages installed with Flatpak that I use in my daily basis