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Flattening LaTeX projects

Results 20 flap issues
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As pointed by @gro1729 (see [Issue 28](https://github.com/fchauvel/flap/issues/28#issuecomment-272194829)), the SVG package is not support in Version 0.5.0, especially the `\includesvg`command.


As pointed by @gro1729 (see [Issue 28](https://github.com/fchauvel/flap/issues/28#issuecomment-272194829)), Version 0.5.0 does not permit the definition of the name of the merged file: ```` $ flap project/main.tex flatten/my-customised-merged.tex ````


From @gro1729, [Issue 22](https://github.com/fchauvel/flap/issues/22#issuecomment-271934997): > Besides "includegraphics" for instance I use `\adjincludegraphics[valign=t,width=.9\textwidth,interpolate]{% ../VeryLongPathName/Pyrit}` The referenced image-file is not converted. "merged.tex" contains the same text as the original file.


From @gro1729, [Issue 22](https://github.com/fchauvel/flap/issues/22#issuecomment-271934997): > I use one of the KOMA-Script packages, where you can define external declarations of style information in files with extension ".lco". I do that in...


From @gro1729, [Issue 22](https://github.com/fchauvel/flap/issues/22#issuecomment-271934997): > In one of my style files I set \setkomavar{fromlogo}{\includegraphics[width=3cm]{images/Logo}} In the resulting "merged.tex" I find the same text. The "Logo.png"-File ist not copied.


latexpand has a subcommand to copy the contents of a `.bbl` and replace the corresponding bibtex command in your `.tex`file: `latexpand --expand-bbl merged.bbl merged.tex` If you point me in the...


Some journals require you to map the figure filename to the figure number in text. Doing this automatically would be a great feature.


When trying to run flap on a fully uptodate debian jessie, it consistently fails with this error report - ``` python -m flap /home/boudiccas/research/herbal/000herbal.tex output Traceback (most recent call last):...

See https://github.com/fchauvel/flap/issues/1#issuecomment-137400854

Very often I need "fragile" slides. According to my "philosophy" : "One slide, one file" "fragile"-slides do not have to have an identation. "flap" ignores my indentation-guidelines. This is a...