
Results 23 issues of fbuchinger

A few weeks ago, the chromium project announced [headless chromium](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/lkgr/headless/README.md) as new, clean way to open websites in a non-UI server context. The announcement had quite an impact in the...


We got a list of approx 1200 web.archive.org URLs that we like to capture to a warc using web recorder. Are there also semi-automatic ways to do this (i.e. some...

Hi, regarding the use cases #14 (Buld & Batch Requests) and #16 (WARC file management) mentioned in https://github.com/iipc/openwayback/wiki/CDX-Server-requirements: is anything of that implemented yet? If yes, is it already in...

Hi, I have a fairly complex, deeply hierarchical JSON model that gets converted to a knockout model structure using ko.mapping.fromJS. Unfortunately, I'm getting the "script is running slowly" (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/175500/en-us) error...

Hi Matt, azimuthjs is a really nice integration example of OpenLayers and angular.js. Being an angular.js novice, i tried to grasp your code and understood most of it. Only the...


With the overrideable Backbone.extend Method you can probably do the model/collection registration as soon as a new Ligament Model/Collection is defined (i.e. Ligament.Model.extend is invoked). Therefore you don't need the...

Also spotted this on your todo list. The Django ORM handles this with meta options (= class variables): http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/options/#verbose-name-plural I'm not sure if you can implement this in backbone by...

Jeremy has made Model.extend Collection.extend overrideable: https://github.com/documentcloud/backbone/commit/d149451fd46ad42e9e1eae47261d970bde4e8b40 , so you could subclass it to make `belongsTo`/`delegatesTo` direct methods of model/collection instances, as mentioned on your TODO list.

I am using blockUI in an intranet web app that is accessed via https. Internet Explorer 7 displays a "this page contains secure and non-secure items warning" as soon as...

I want to track the different tea types I had during a day using a list field in the front matter of a daily note: ``` --- type of tea:...

help wanted