sql-filestream-to-storage-migration icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sql-filestream-to-storage-migration copied to clipboard

Tool to migrate SQL FileStream content to an Azure Storage

SQL Server FileStream to Azure Storage

A simple .NET Core 2.1 tool to help you migrate your SQL Server FileStream contents to an Azure SQL database and Azure Blob Storage.

Getting started

  • Visual Studio 2017, .NET Core 2.1
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure Blob Storage account
  • Replace the necessary database and storage connection strings in appsettings.json
  "source": {
    "sqlServerDatabaseConnectionString": "<-- replace with SQL Server connection string -->",
    "filesStreamInfoCsvFile": "filestream.csv"
  "destination": {
    "azureSqlDatabaseConnectionString": "<-- replace with Azure SQL connection string -->",
    "azureBlobStorageConnectionString": "<-- replace with Azure Blob Storage connection string -->"
  • Go to the command line, to the directory where you cloned the repo:
> dotnet restore
> dotnet build src/FileStreamToAzureStorageMigrator.sln
> dotnet run --project src/FileStreamToAzureStorageMigrator/FileStreamToAzureStorageMigrator.csproj
  • It all starts here in 2 easy steps
class Program
        public static IConfiguration Configuration { get; set; }
        static async Task Main(string[] args)

            string sourceSqlServerDatabaseConnectionString = Configuration["source:sqlServerDatabaseConnectionString"];
            string destinationAzureSqlDatabaseConnectionString = Configuration["destination:azureSqlDatabaseConnectionString"];
            string destinationAzureBlobStorageConnectionString = Configuration["destination:azureBlobStorageConnectionString"];
            string filesStreamInfoCsvFile = Configuration["source:filesStreamInfoCsvFile"];

            // Step 1: copy the file contents to Blob Storage
            var sqlServerToAzureBlobStorage = new SqlServerToAzureBlobStorage(sourceSqlServerDatabaseConnectionString, destinationAzureBlobStorageConnectionString, filesStreamInfoCsvFile);
            await sqlServerToAzureBlobStorage.CopyDataAsync();

            // Step 2: copy the files metadata (table) to Azure SQL
            var filesMetadataToAzureSql = new CsvFilesMetadataToAzureSql(destinationAzureSqlDatabaseConnectionString, filesStreamInfoCsvFile);
            await filesMetadataToAzureSql.CopyDataAsync();

        /// <summary>
        /// Configuration initialization
        /// </summary>
        private static void InitializeConfiguration()
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            Configuration = builder.Build();

  • You can also adjust:
    • The FileStreamFile.cs class with the desired file metadata, to be migrated to the Azure SQL database table
    • The SqlServerToAzureBlobStorage.cs SQL queries in this class with the queries you need to fetch from you SQL Server database


@damirkusar, @DjolePetrovic, @jonathandbailey, @meinradweiss, @fbeltrao and @CarlosSardo