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A Tensorflow / Keras implementation of "Modeling Long- and Short-Term Temporal Patterns with Deep Neural Networks" paper
This repository is a Tensorflow / Keras implementation of Modeling Long- and Short-Term Temporal Patterns with Deep Neural Networks paper
This implementation has been inspired by the following Pytorch implementation
Clone this prerequisite repository:
git clone
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd LSTNet
mkdir log/ save/ data/
Download the dataset from and copy the text files into LSTNet/data/
There are 4 different script samples to train, validate and test the model on the different datasets:
In order to predict and plot traffic you will need to run
as follows (example for the electricity traffic)
python --data="data/electricity.txt" --no-train --load="save/electricity/electricity" --predict=all --plot --series-to-plot=0
Running Options
The following are the parameters that the python script takes along with their description:
Input Parameters | Default | Description |
--data | Full Path of the data file. (REQUIRED) | |
--normalize | 2 | Type of data normalisation: - 0: No Normalisation - 1: Normalise all timeseries together - 2: Normalise each timeseries alone |
--trainpercent | 0.6 | Percentage of the given data to use for training |
--validpercent | 0.2 | Percentage of the given data to use for validation |
--window | 24 * 7 | Number of time values to consider in each input X |
--horizon | 12 | How far is the predicted value Y. It is horizon values away from the last value of X (into the future) |
--CNNFilters | 100 | Number of output filters in the CNN layer A value of 0 will remove this layer |
--CNNKernel | 6 | CNN filter size that will be (CNNKernel, number of multivariate timeseries) A value of 0 will remove this layer |
--GRUUnits | 100 | Number of hidden states in the GRU layer |
--SkipGRUUnits | 5 | Number of hidden states in the SkipGRU layer |
--skip | 24 | Number of timeslots to skip. A value of 0 will remove this layer |
--dropout | 0.2 | Dropout frequency |
--highway | 24 | Number of timeslots values to consider for the linear layer (AR layer) |
--initializer | glorot_uniform | The weights initialiser to use |
--loss | mean_absolute_error | The loss function to use for optimisation |
--optimizer | Adam | The optimiser to use Accepted values: - SGD - RMSprop - Adam |
--lr | 0.001 | Learning rate |
--batchsize | 128 | Training batchsize |
--epochs | 100 | Number of training epochs |
--tensorboard | None | Set to the folder where to put the tensorboard file If set to None => no tensorboard |
--no-train | Do not train the model | |
--no-validation | Do not validate the model | |
--test | Evaluate the model on the test data | |
--load | None | Location and Name of the file to load a pre-trained model from as follows: - Model in filename.json - Weights in filename.h5 |
--save | None | Full path of the file to save the model in as follows: - Model in filename.json - Weights in filename.h5 This location is also used to save results and history as follows: - Results in filename.txt - History in filename_history.csv if --savehistory is passed |
--no-saveresults | Do not save results | |
--savehistory | Save training / validation history in file as described in parameter --save above | |
--predict | None | Predict timeseries using the trained model It takes one of the following values: - trainingdata: predict the training data only - validationdata: predict the validation data only - testingdata: predict the testing data only - all: all of the above - None: none of the above |
--plot | Generate plots | |
--series-to-plot | 0 | Series to plot Format: series,start,end - series: the number of the series you wish to plot - start: start timeslot (default is the start of the timeseries) - end: end timeslot (default is the end of the timeseries) |
--autocorrelation | None | Autocorrelation plotting Format: series,start,end - series: the number of random timeseries you wish to plot the autocorrelation for - start: start timeslot (default is the start of the timeseries) - end: end timeslot (default is the end of the timeseries) |
--save-plot | None | Location and name of the file to save the plotted images to - Autocorrelation in filename_autocorrelation.png - Training history in filename_training.png - Prediction in filename_prediction.png |
--no-log | Do not create logfiles However error and critical messages will still appear |
--logfilename | log/lstnet | Full path of the logging file |
--debuglevel | 20 | Logging debug level |
The followinng are the results that were obtained:
Dataset | Width | Horizon | Correlation | RSE |
Solar | 28 hours | 2 hours | 0.9548 | 0.3060 |
Traffic | 7 days | 12 hours | 0.8932 | 0.4089 |
Electricity | 7 days | 24 hours | 0.8856 | 0.3746 |
Exchange Rate | 168 days | 12 days | 0.9731 | 0.1540 |
As described in the paper the data is composed of 4 publicly available datasets downloadable from
- Traffic: A collection of 48 months (2015-2016) hourly data from the California Department of Transportation
- Solar Energy: The solar power production records in 2006, sampled every 10 minutes from 137 PV plants in the state of Alabama
- Electricity: Electricity consumption for 321 clients recorded every 15 minutes from 2012 to 2014
- Exchange Rate: A collection of daily average rates of 8 currencies from 1990 to 2016
Primary environment
The results were obtained on a system with the following versions:
- Python 3.6.8
- Tensorflow 1.11.0
- Keras 2.1.6-tf
TensorFlow 2.0 Ready
The model has also been tested on TF 2.0 alpha version:
- Python 3.6.7
- Tensorflow 2.0.0-alpha0
- Keras 2.2.4-tf