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Crossfade with personalized radio
I am using mpd and the cross fade works fine when playing without personalized radio. However once I start a station like "3 or more stars" the cross fade icon becomes gray and can't be used.
Need to fix that. I have to grey out repeat, shuffle, and consume but crossfade should remain accessible.
Which version of RompR are you using, and which skin? I just tried this and I can toggle Crossfade when personalised radio is playing.
rompr-1.59.1 with Tablet or Phone skin
I can't reproduce this at all, with any skin. Are you able to send the debug information from the Debug Information plugin, and perhaps a screenshot of it happening?
- Version 1.59.1
- mysql_database [Redacted]
- mysql_host [Redacted]
- mysql_password [Redacted]
- mysql_port [Redacted]
- mysql_user [Redacted]
- PHP_SELF /rompr/utils/debuginfo.php
- SERVER_NAME tunes.local
- SERVER_SOFTWARE Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)
- DOCUMENT_ROOT /var/www/html
- HTTP_HOST tunes.local
- HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36
- REQUEST_URI /rompr/utils/debuginfo.php
- skin tablet
- player_backend mpd
- currenthost Default
- sortcollectionby artist
- actuallysortresultsby artist
- sortresultsby sameas
- Version 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- mbstring 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- PDO 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- pdo_mysql 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- pdo_sqlite 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- curl 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- date 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- fileinfo 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- json 1.7.0
- SimpleXML 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- GD 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
- GD Info GD Version=2.2.5, FreeType Support=1, FreeType Linkage=with freetype, GIF Read Support=1, GIF Create Support=1, JPEG Support=1, PNG Support=1, WBMP Support=1, XPM Support=1, XBM Support=1, WebP Support=1, BMP Support=1, JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support=
- ImageMagick Installed
- date.timezone global_value=US/Central, local_value=US/Central, access=7
- default_charset global_value=UTF-8, local_value=UTF-8, access=7
- default_socket_timeout global_value=60, local_value=60, access=7
- display_errors global_value=, local_value=, access=7
- error_log global_value=, local_value=, access=7
- error_reporting global_value=22527, local_value=22527, access=7
- file_uploads global_value=1, local_value=1, access=4
- log_errors global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
- max_execution_time global_value=30, local_value=30, access=7
- mbstring.language global_value=neutral, local_value=neutral, access=7
- memory_limit global_value=128M, local_value=128M, access=7
- pdo_mysql.default_socket global_value=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock, local_value=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock, access=4
- session.use_cookies global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
- upload_tmp_dir global_value=, local_value=, access=4
- Connection Status Connection Successful
- MPD Interface Version 0.21.4
- tagtype Artist, ArtistSort, Album, AlbumSort, AlbumArtist, AlbumArtistSort, Title, Track, Name, Genre, Date, OriginalDate, Composer, Performer, Disc, Label, MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID, MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID, MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID, MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID, MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID, MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID
- Commands add, addid, addtagid, albumart, channels, clear, clearerror, cleartagid, close, commands, config, consume, count, crossfade, currentsong, decoders, delete, deleteid, disableoutput, enableoutput, find, findadd, idle, kill, list, listall, listallinfo, listfiles, listmounts, listpartitions, listplaylist, listplaylistinfo, listplaylists, load, lsinfo, mixrampdb, mixrampdelay, mount, move, moveid, newpartition, next, notcommands, outputs, outputset, partition, password, pause, ping, play, playid, playlist, playlistadd, playlistclear, playlistdelete, playlistfind, playlistid, playlistinfo, playlistmove, playlistsearch, plchanges, plchangesposid, previous, prio, prioid, random, rangeid, readcomments, readmessages, rename, repeat, replay_gain_mode, replay_gain_status, rescan, rm, save, search, searchadd, searchaddpl, seek, seekcur, seekid, sendmessage, setvol, shuffle, single, stats, status, sticker, stop, subscribe, swap, swapid, tagtypes, toggleoutput, unmount, unsubscribe, update, urlhandlers, volume
- URL Handlers alsa://
- URL Handlers http://
- URL Handlers https://
- URL Handlers gopher://
- URL Handlers rtp://
- URL Handlers rtsp://
- URL Handlers rtmp://
- URL Handlers rtmpt://
- URL Handlers rtmps://
- URL Handlers smb://
- URL Handlers nfs://
- URL Handlers mms://
- URL Handlers mmsh://
- URL Handlers mmst://
- URL Handlers mmsu://
- URL Handlers cdda://
- plugin mad, mpg123, vorbis, oggflac, flac, opus, sndfile, audiofile, dsdiff, dsf, faad, mpcdec, wavpack, modplug, mikmod, sidplay, fluidsynth, adplug, ffmpeg, gme, pcm
- suffix mp3, mp2, mp3, ogg, oga, ogg, oga, flac, opus, ogg, oga, wav, aiff, aif, au, snd, paf, iff, svx, sf, voc, w64, pvf, xi, htk, caf, sd2, wav, au, aiff, aif, dff, dsf, aac, mpc, wv, 669, amf, ams, dbm, dfm, dsm, far, it, med, mdl, mod, mtm, mt2, okt, s3m, stm, ult, umx, xm, amf, dsm, far, gdm, imf, it, med, mod, mtm, s3m, stm, stx, ult, uni, xm, sid, mus, str, prg, P00, mid, amd, d00, hsc, laa, rad, raw, sa2, 16sv, 3g2, 3gp, 4xm, 8svx, aa3, aac, ac3, adx, afc, aif, aifc, aiff, al, alaw, amr, anim, apc, ape, asf, atrac, au, aud, avi, avm2, avs, bap, bfi, c93, cak, cin, cmv, cpk, daud, dct, divx, dts, dv, dvd, dxa, eac3, film, flac, flc, fli, fll, flx, flv, g726, gsm, gxf, iss, m1v, m2v, m2t, m2ts, m4a, m4b, m4v, mad, mj2, mjpeg, mjpg, mka, mkv, mlp, mm, mmf, mov, mp+, mp1, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpc, mpeg, mpg, mpga, mpp, mpu, mve, mvi, mxf, nc, nsv, nut, nuv, oga, ogm, ogv, ogx, oma, ogg, omg, opus, psp, pva, qcp, qt, r3d, ra, ram, rl2, rm, rmvb, roq, rpl, rvc, shn, smk, snd, sol, son, spx, str, swf, tak, tgi, tgq, tgv, thp, ts, tsp, tta, xa, xvid, uv, uv2, vb, vid, vob, voc, vp6, vmd, wav, webm, wma, wmv, wsaud, wsvga, wv, wve, ay, gbs, gym, hes, kss, nsf, nsfe, sap, spc, vgm, vgz
- mime_type audio/mpeg, application/ogg, application/x-ogg, audio/ogg, audio/vorbis, audio/vorbis+ogg, audio/x-ogg, audio/x-vorbis, audio/x-vorbis+ogg, application/ogg, application/x-ogg, audio/ogg, audio/x-flac+ogg, audio/x-ogg, application/flac, application/x-flac, audio/flac, audio/x-flac, audio/ogg, application/ogg, audio/opus, audio/x-wav, audio/x-aiff, audio/x-wav, audio/x-aiff, application/x-dff, audio/x-dff, audio/x-dsd, application/x-dsf, audio/x-dsf, audio/x-dsd, audio/aac, audio/aacp, audio/x-wavpack, application/flv, application/m4a, application/mp4, application/octet-stream, application/ogg, application/x-ms-wmz, application/x-ms-wmd, application/x-ogg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-shorten, audio/8svx, audio/16sv, audio/aac, audio/aacp, audio/ac3, audio/aiffaudio/amr, audio/basic, audio/flac, audio/m4a, audio/mp4, audio/mpeg, audio/musepack, audio/ogg, audio/opus, audio/qcelp, audio/vorbis, audio/vorbis+ogg, audio/x-8svx, audio/x-16sv, audio/x-aac, audio/x-ac3, audio/x-adx, audio/x-aiffaudio/x-alaw, audio/x-au, audio/x-dca, audio/x-eac3, audio/x-flac, audio/x-gsm, audio/x-mace, audio/x-matroska, audio/x-monkeys-audio, audio/x-mpeg, audio/x-ms-wma, audio/x-ms-wax, audio/x-musepack, audio/x-ogg, audio/x-vorbis, audio/x-vorbis+ogg, audio/x-pn-realaudio, audio/x-pn-multirate-realaudio, audio/x-speex, audio/x-ttaaudio/x-voc, audio/x-wav, audio/x-wma, audio/x-wv, video/anim, video/quicktime, video/msvideo, video/ogg, video/theora, video/webm, video/x-dv, video/x-flv, video/x-matroska, video/x-mjpeg, video/x-mpeg, video/x-ms-asf, video/x-msvideo, video/x-ms-wmv, video/x-ms-wvx, video/x-ms-wm, video/x-ms-wmx, video/x-nut, video/x-pva, video/x-theora, video/x-vid, video/x-wmv, video/x-xvid, audio/x-mpd-ffmpeg, audio/L16, audio/L24, audio/x-mpd-float, audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm, audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm-reverse
- rgbs r=1, g=1, b=1, a=0.75
- skin tablet
- music_directory_albumart /home/ftp/local
- sortbycomposer false
- composergenre false
- composergenrename 0=Classical
- preferlocalfiles false
- mopidy_collection_folders 0=Spotify Playlists, 1=Local media, 2=SoundCloud/Liked
- lastfm_country_code US
- country_userset true
- debug_enabled 0
- custom_logfile
- cleanalbumimages true
- do_not_show_prefs false
- load_plugins_at_loadtime false
- beets_server_location
- dev_mode false
- live_mode false
- use_mopidy_scan false
- collection_load_timeout 3600000
- smartradio_chunksize 5
- linkchecker_nextrun 1631457987608
- linkchecker_isrunning false
- linkchecker_frequency 604800000
- linkchecker_polltime 5000
- audiobook_directory
- collection_player mpd
- snapcast_server
- snapcast_port 1705
- snapcast_http 1780
- http_port_for_mopidy 6680
- multihosts Default=[host=localhost, port=6600, password=, socket=, mopidy_remote=false, radioparams=[radiomode=, radioparam=null, radiomaster=1628000034065, radioconsume=[["consume","1"],["repeat","0"],["random","0"]]]], New=[host=Localhost, port=6600, password=, socket=, mopidy_remote=false, radioparams=[radiomode=, radioparam=, radiomaster=, radioconsume=0]]
- old_style_sql false
- displaycomposer true
- artistsatstart 0=
- nosortprefixes 0=The
- sortcollectionby artist
- sortresultsby sameas
- actuallysortresultsby artist
- sync_lastfm_playcounts false
- sync_lastfm_at_start false
- next_lastfm_synctime 0
- lastfm_sync_frequency 86400000
- lfm_importer_start_offset 0
- lfm_importer_last_import 0
- hide_master_volume false
- sortbydate false
- notvabydate false
- currenthost Default
- player_backend mpd
- collectionrange 4
- lastfm_user
- autotagname
- lastfm_logged_in false
- tradsearch false
- lastfm_scrobbling false
- lastfm_autocorrect false
- sourceshidden false
- playlisthidden false
- infosource file
- sourceswidthpercent 25
- playlistwidthpercent 25
- downloadart true
- clickmode single
- chooser prefsm
- hide_albumlist false
- hide_filelist true
- hide_radiolist true
- hide_podcastslist true
- hide_playlistslist false
- hide_audiobooklist true
- hide_searcher false
- hidebrowser false
- shownupdatewindow 1.59.1
- scrolltocurrent false
- alarm_ramptime 30
- alarm_snoozetime 8
- lastfmlang interface
- synctags false
- synclove false
- synclovevalue 5
- theme Numismatist.css
- icontheme Modern-Dark
- coversize 05-Tiny.css
- fontsize 01-Small.css
- fontfamily Lucida.css
- displayresultsas collection
- crossfade_duration 10
- newradiocountry countries/GB
- search_limit_limitsearch false
- scrobblepercent 50
- updateeverytime false
- fullbiobydefault true
- mopidy_search_domains 0=local, 1=spotify
- mopidy_radio_domains 0=local, 1=spotify
- outputsvisible false
- wheelscrollspeed 150
- searchcollectiononly false
- displayremainingtime true
- cdplayermode false
- auto_discovembobulate false
- sleeptime 30
- sleepon false
- sortwishlistby artist
- player_in_titlebar false
- communityradioorderby name
- browser_id 1628000034065
- playlistswipe true
- default_podcast_display_mode 0
- default_podcast_refresh_mode 4
- default_podcast_sort_mode 0
- podcast_mark_new_as_unlistened false
- use_albumart_in_playlist true
- podcast_sort_levels 4
- podcast_sort_0 Title
- podcast_sort_1 Artist
- podcast_sort_2 Category
- podcast_sort_3 new
- alarms
- lastversionchecked 1.59
- lastversionchecktime 2146888801995
- playlistbuttons_isopen true
- collectionbuttons_isopen true
- advsearchoptions_isopen true
- podcastbuttons_isopen false
- last_cache_clean 1631404821203
- next_podcast_refresh 1632298582041
- use_original_releasedate false
- bgimgparms dummy=baby
- chartoption 0
- consume_workaround false
- we_do_consume false
- last_lastfm_synctime 1627923285000
- collection_type sqlite
- mopidy_http_port false
- interface_language en-GB
- collectioncontrolsvisible true
- mpd_host localhost
- mpd_port 6600
- mpd_password
- unix_socket
- maxrgbs r=150, g=150, b=150, a=0.75
- bgdrgbs r=1, g=1, b=1, a=0
- radiomode
- radioparam null
- radiomaster 1628000034065
- radioconsume [["consume","1"],["repeat","0"],["random","0"]]
Screenshot without personalized radio:

Screenshot after enabling personalized radio:
I can't reproduce this behaviour, and looking at the code I can't even see how it's possible. I think it has to be down to your installation - old versions did used to behave like that, I found a commit from a long time ago that changed it.
Can you try the tablet skin in a desktop browser and tell me if it does the same thing?
If you are using rompr on a phone or tablet and you've set it up as an icon on your home screen, can you try in a browser instead? You might even need to clear the browser cache.
If none of that works can you delete everything except albumart and prefs from your rompr installation and copy 1.59.1 back in there.
The screenshot in my previous comment was from the tablet skin in chrome on osx. I just reinstalled 1.59.1 completely on a pi and used safari and got the same thing. I've never used safari on this machine before so I don't think there could be a cache issue.
My install procedure was as follows: VERSION=1.59.1 unzip -q rompr-$ mkdir rompr/{prefs,albumart} mkdir -p rompr/prefs/databackups sudo mv rompr /var/www/html sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/html/rompr
Then in the prefs I set the music folder to /home/ftp/local
I loaded up rompr and the options were still grey:
I have noticed that crossfade does indeed work, it is just grey, so it is not that big of a deal. I thought it might be an easy fix, sorry about that.
Thanks for looking at it further, I agree it looked like it should have been an easy fix :) I have to say I'm mystified, I can't reproduce the behaviour and there's literally nowhere in the code where I grey out that button.
So you're saying you can still toggle crossfade on and off but the button is greyed out?
I'll leave this open but right now I don't think there's anything I can do about it.
I can't toggle it while personalized radio is playing. It just remains in whatever state it was in before starting.