fastoredis copied to clipboard
FastoRedis is a crossplatform Redis GUI management tool.
``` SET jh:usr:acc:hp:51b8b0cd4dd30180f9cea2743ba3f364:imei:47d1695293ddb8029e05457cbb624027bf0ced7c0c1d0b6de9450946a58976d8 1 ``` ``` keys jh:usr:acc:hp* jh:usr:acc:hp:imei:0:47d1695293ddb8029e05457cbb624027bf0ced7c0c1d0b6de9450946a58976d8 ```
Currently have an environment with a load balancer to master/slaves. Right now fastoredis isn't very happy when we fail a master and the slave gets promoted as it would require...
There is no timeout on the interface
Delete key still shows
And reload do not clean previous search
After connecting to my Redis database (on AWS), I filter the keys using freqreg:2018122315* as a filter in "Load content of database", however, there is a key that does not...
Changing the language settings to 'system' has no effect and will be reset to 'english'. FastoRedis Revision:f9a2118