xcov copied to clipboard
Reports 0% Code Coverage with Xcode 12.5
Hi I'm using xcov quite for while. After updating to Xcode 12.5 the tool reports 0%. Any ideas?
bundle exec xcov --project xxx.xcodeproj --scheme xxx_iOS --derived_data_path build --only_project_targets --output_directory report_xcov --markdown_report true --html_report true
[19:11:41]: Skipping file blacklisting as no ignore file was found at path ./.xcovignore
| Summary for xcov 1.7.5 |
| project | xxxxcodeproj |
| scheme | xxx_iOS |
| derived_data_path | build |
| only_project_targets | true |
| output_directory | report_xcov |
| markdown_report | true |
| html_report | true |
| json_report | false |
| minimum_coverage_percentage | 0 |
| skip_slack | false |
| slack_username | xcov |
| slack_message | Your *xcov* coverage report |
| ignore_file_path | ./.xcovignore |
| include_test_targets | false |
| disable_coveralls | false |
| ideFoundationPath | /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/../Frameworks/IDEFoundation.framework/Versions/A/IDE |
| | Foundation |
| legacy_support | false |
[19:11:41]: Derived content from ["build/Logs/Test//Test-xxxiOS-2021.06.13_18-51-45-+0200.xcresult", "build/Logs/Test//LogStoreManifest.plist", "build/Logs/Test//Test-xxx_iOS-2021.06.13_18-41-52-+0200.xcresult"]
[19:11:41]: Merging multiple coverage reports with report_xcov/xccovreport-1.xccovreport report_xcov/xccovarchive-1.xccovarchive report_xcov/xccovreport-0.xccovreport report_xcov/xccovarchive-0.xccovarchive
[19:11:41]: $ /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/xcov-1.7.5/lib/xcov-core/bin/xcov-core -s report_xcov/out.xccovreport -o report_xcov/tmp/report.json20210613-94994-1n5tjth --ide-foundation-path /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/../Frameworks/IDEFoundation.framework/Versions/A/IDEFoundation
[19:11:41]: ▸ Loading...
[19:11:42]: ▸ Opening .xccoverage file at path: /xxx/report_xcov/out.xccovreport
[19:11:42]: ▸ Parsing .xccoverage file...
[19:11:42]: ▸ File successfully parsed
[19:11:42]: ▸ Serializing coverage report...
[19:11:42]: ▸ Report successfully serialized
[19:11:42]: ▸ Writing report on disk...
[19:11:42]: ▸ Coverage report successfully created at path: /xxx/report_xcov/tmp/report.json20210613-94994-1n5tjth
| xcov Coverage Report |