trainer copied to clipboard
trainer Fails When xcodebuild Quits With Exit Status 65
Even though I have the fail_build
setting set to false
, occasionally if xcodebuild returns an exit status of 65, trainer will fail.
A snippet from the log
[09:13:18]: Exit status: 65
| Test Results |
| Number of tests | 202 |
| Number of failures | 1 |
[09:13:18]: ---------------------
[09:13:18]: --- Step: trainer ---
[09:13:18]: ---------------------
| Summary for trainer 0.8.0 |
| output_directory | ./fastlane/test_output |
| extension | .junit |
| fail_build | false |
[09:13:18]: `Helper.gem_path` is deprecated. Use the `ROOT` constant from the appropriate tool module instead.
Successfully generated './fastlane/test_output/TestSummaries.junit'
| Lane Context |
| LANE_NAME | ios pr |
| BUILD_NUMBER | 81.289 |
| SCAN_DERIVED_DATA_PATH | /Users/jenkins/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/REDACTED-euytkosnmedfedgjjjodqbkwmzhe |
| SCAN_GENERATED_PLIST_FILES | ["/Users/jenkins/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/REDACTED-euytkosnmedfedgjjjodqbkwmzhe/Logs/Test/Run-REDACTED-2018.09.07_09-09-41--0400.xcresult/TestSummaries.plist"] |
| SCAN_GENERATED_PLIST_FILE | /Users/jenkins/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/REDACTED-euytkosnmedfedgjjjodqbkwmzhe/Logs/Test/Run-REDACTED-2018.09.07_09-09-41--0400.xcresult/TestSummaries.plist |
[09:13:18]: Unit tests failed
| fastlane summary |
| Step | Action | Time (in s) |
| 1 | default_platform | 0 |
| 2 | Verifying fastlane version | 0 |
| 3 | default_platform | 0 |
| 4 | import_from_git | 0 |
| 5 | xcversion | 1 |
| 6 | cocoapods | 15 |
| 7 | Switch to ios incrementBuildNumber lane | 0 |
| 8 | increment_build_number | 2 |
| 9 | Switch to ios runTestsWithCoverage lane | 0 |
| 10 | reset_simulator_contents | 20 |
| 11 | swiftlint | 1 |
| 12 | scan | 237 |
| 💥 | trainer | 0 |
[09:13:18]: fastlane finished with errors
[!] Unit tests failed
Looking at the code, I’m not sure how the “Unit tests failed” message appears when fail_build
is set to false
. Here’s what the relevant portion of my Fastfile
looks like:
scheme: ENV["SCAN_SCHEME"],
workspace: ENV["SCAN_WORKSPACE"],
configuration: 'Debug',
output_types: '',
device: ENV["DEVICE"] || 'iPhone 8 (12.0)',
code_coverage: true,
fail_build: false
output_directory: './fastlane/test_output',
extension: '.junit',
fail_build: false
Having the same issue.. although Status 65 appears to be a fastlane bug with scan
Same here @SlaunchaMan. I've dug through the trainer
gem logic and I can't find where the fail_build
option is actually used. It's certainly specified in options.rb
, but it doesn't look like it's being pulled out. Design flaw?
Are you also using the fastlane-plugin-trainer
like I am @SlaunchaMan? After more investigation, I think the issue is there. It's throwing a Unit tests failed
error if any of the tests failed in trainer_action.rb. That's probably the core issue.
@KrauseFx does that line up? If yes, I'd be happy to put together a PR to fix the issue. I'd assume we'd just want to avoid throwing that error if fail_build
is false
@cnoon Yes, I am using it with the Fastlane plugin. Fingers crossed on a fix! 😄
Okay, looks like this issue was fixed in 8b8a7555. What's super weird is that the fix is in master
and what looks like would be 0.8.1
, but that's definitely not in 0.8.1
when you look. Almost looks like the rubygem released as 0.8.1
is not correct.
I bet if you pointed your Gemfile at the repo and not at the release it would work. I'm going to give that a go now. I've never released a gem before, but I wonder if it's possible to release the wrong commit. It doesn't appear that this project uses git tags for tracking.
Okay, more updates. I was off on my versioning a bit mentioned above. It appears that the trainer
gem has been released as 0.8.1
, but the fastlane-plugin-trainer
gem has not been released since April 2017 and is still at 0.4.0
. That's why it does not contain the fixes. Essentially, we need a new tag cut of the fastlane-plugin-trainer
gem and we'd be all good to go. @KrauseFx is that something you could help out with? Or someone else with access?
In the meantime @SlaunchaMan, you can work around the issue by updating your Pluginfile
to this:
gem "fastlane-plugin-trainer", :git => "", :ref => "28ddc18b"
That will pick up the fail_build
logic and stop failing if there are failed tests. I've verified that this does fix the issue locally. Good luck!
Will push a new release, thanks
New release is live, let me know if it works
Will do!
Awesome, thanks @KrauseFx! 🍻
we still experience the same issue with fastlane-plugin-trainer 0.4.1 and Fastlane 2.108.0 - see also
Still seeing this issue as well. Looking in the plist file I see that xcode is outputting a FailureSummaries
block for the entire test target, including the error message. Other test target summaries get output normally. Trainer should be able to generate an <error>
block from this in the relevant test suite.
Still seeing this issue. fastlane-plugin-trainer 0.4.1, fastlane 2.165.0