trainer copied to clipboard
Trainer fails when Scan fails
Lately, I'm only able to have trainer
run successfully when scan
succeeds and passes all tests. If even one test fails, I get the following error:
Unit tests failed
Followed by the sad explosion icon next to trainer
and the fastlane finished with errors
I wanted to look into this so I saw there was a commit 7 days ago, the only instance of the message I could find the following, from the trainer_action.rb file, lines 11-13:
resulting_paths.each do |path, test_successful|
UI.test_failure!("Unit tests failed") unless test_successful
I can provide any working examples you might need to reproduce this. I'm very stumped after an hour or so of searching for the solution. If my tests pass, trainer runs. If any tests fail, trainer kills the lane.
Are you sure this wasn't always the case? The only change that was recently applied was
Actually no, I'm not confident that this is recent. Looking through my Fastfile history I had broken trainer out into another lane previously that was actually being left before reaching it, so it's entirely possible the issue has been around for longer.
This is a bug in trianer though, right?
@KrauseFx I just wanted to bring this back up since it seems like a bug. I have the same problem with it failing and have to catch the exception in order for everything to work. I run the scan
followed directly by trainer
, then it fails and shows the little 💥 mark in the fastlane summary next to trainer
having run for 0ms
. Bottom of script says:
[22:03:24]: fastlane finished with errors
[!] Unit tests failed
script returned exit code 1
My workaround in the meantime is to just do:
rescue => exception
And everything actually works fine.
We are also experiencing the same issue. It seems that even when fail_build: true
is set (as seen from output), the whole build is flagged as failure and fastlane test
exits with status 1:
[15:15:38]: ------------------
[15:15:38]: --- Step: scan ---
[15:15:38]: ------------------
< Xcode output omitted>
[15:16:20]: Exit status: 65
| Test Results |
| Number of tests | 11 |
| Number of failures | 1 |
[15:16:20]: ---------------------
[15:16:20]: --- Step: trainer ---
[15:16:20]: ---------------------
| Summary for trainer 0.8.0 |
| output_directory | test |
| fail_build | false |
| path | DerivedData/Logs/Test/Test-Wire-iOS-2018.10.04_15-15-56-+0200.xcresult/T |
| | estSummaries.plist |
| extension | .xml |
[15:16:20]: `Helper.gem_path` is deprecated. Use the `ROOT` constant from the appropriate tool module instead.
Successfully generated 'test/TestSummaries.xml'
| Lane Context |
| LANE_NAME | ios test |
| SCAN_GENERATED_PLIST_FILES | ["DerivedData/Logs/Test/Test-Wire-iOS-2018.10.04_15-15-56-+0200.xcresult |
| | /TestSummaries.plist"] |
| SCAN_GENERATED_PLIST_FILE | DerivedData/Logs/Test/Test-Wire-iOS-2018.10.04_15-15-56-+0200.xcresult/T |
| | estSummaries.plist |
[15:16:20]: Unit tests failed
| fastlane summary |
| Step | Action | Time (in s) |
| 1 | opt_out_usage | 0 |
| 2 | default_platform | 0 |
| 3 | scan | 41 |
| 💥 | trainer | 0 |
[15:16:20]: fastlane finished with errors
[!] Unit tests failed
$> echo $status
We are running fastlane 2.105.2
and trainer 0.8.0
with Xcode 10.
We have the same issue with 2.108.0 and fail_build set to false
| Used plugins |
| Plugin | Version | Action |
| fastlane-plugin-trainer | 0.4.1 | trainer |
| Summary for scan 2.108.0 |
| devices | ["iPhone XS"] |
| skip_testing | ["GeorgeGoAPI-Unit-Tests/AustrianLoginAPITests"] |
| scheme | George Go Debug |
| fail_build | false |
| workspace | ./George Go.xcworkspace |
| derived_data_path | /Users/ristd/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/George_Go-cejywaflmbkysxasspomufxpouav |
| skip_detect_devices | false |
| clean | false |
| skip_build | false |
| output_directory | ./fastlane/test_output |
| buildlog_path | ~/Library/Logs/scan |
| include_simulator_logs | false |
| disable_concurrent_testing | false |
| should_zip_build_products | false |
| result_bundle | false |
| open_report | false |
| skip_slack | false |
| slack_only_on_failure | false |
| use_clang_report_name | false |
| reinstall_app | false |
| xcode_path | /Applications/ |
[15:29:43]: Unit tests failed
| fastlane summary |
| Step | Action | Time (in s) |
| 1 | xcversion | 0 |
| 2 | clear_derived_data | 15 |
| 3 | scan | 483 |
| 💥 | trainer | 0 |
[15:29:43]: fastlane finished with errors
[!] Unit tests failed