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closes #208 If you want a different layout, please provide precise instructions or colour. Logo source: I should normalize the `Acknowledgments`'s sponsors because they sponsor us with development time.

```[tasklist] ### Tasks - [ ] [Guides] Set the guides into logical order - [ ] [Getting Started] Add a `Testing` Section - [ ] [Getting Started] Add `Next Steps`...

good first issue

Bumps [eslint]( from 8.57.0 to 9.1.1. Release notes Sourced from eslint's releases. v9.1.1 Bug Fixes a26b402 fix: use @​eslint/create-config latest (#18373) (唯然) v9.1.0 Features 03068f1 feat: Provide helpful error message...


Bumps [clsx]( from 1.2.1 to 2.1.1. Release notes Sourced from clsx's releases. v2.1.1 Patches (types) Include bigint in ClassValue type: (#96): 3d960ab Accommodates recent @types/react changes to ReactNode. Thank you...


Bumps [stylelint]( and [stylelint-config-standard]( These dependencies needed to be updated together. Updates `stylelint` from 14.16.1 to 16.4.0 Release notes Sourced from stylelint's releases. 16.4.0 Added: no-unknown-custom-media (#7594) (@​fpetrakov). Added: ignoreLonghands:...


### Prerequisites - [X] I have written a descriptive issue title - [X] I have searched existing issues to ensure the bug has not already been reported ### Fastify version...

The page lacks the last date we updated the data. It would be cool to add it

good first issue

### Prerequisites - [X] I have written a descriptive issue title - [X] I have searched existing issues to ensure the issue has not already been raised ### Issue After...

### Prerequisites - [X] I have written a descriptive issue title - [X] I have searched existing issues to ensure the feature has not already been requested ### 🚀 Feature...

good first issue

## Description This PR moves the /organisations route to /organizations and adds a redirect from the old route to the new. ## Related Issues Related to discussion in fastify/fastify#5349 ##...