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REST APIs Endpoints for licensing.

Open michelescarlato opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

Hi @mir-am , @MagielBruntink and @gdrosos ,

I tried to unify as much as I could in the metadata augmented field with license information, in order to simplify the job of having licensing endpoints for each ecosystem (Maven, PyPI, and Debian).

This is the current status:

  1. Debian:
  • package_versions table:
277 |        277 | 1.0.0-2                              | cscout       |                        | amd64        | 2017-12-25 16:13:42 | {"licenses": [{"name": "GPL-2+", "source": "DEBIAN_PACKAGES"}]}
  • files table (with the updated version, which still has not been re-deployed on Monster):
15 |                  1 | compat/strtoi.c                                    |          |            | {"licenses": [{"name": "BSD-2", "source": "DEBIAN_PACKAGES"}]}
  • files table (not updated version, and currently on Monster):
318189 |                442 | apps/alsamixer/mixer.c                                                                        |          |            | {"license": "GPL-3+"}
  1. PyPI:
  • package_versions table:
84883 |      28519 | 0.35.0                                                              | PyCG         |                        |              | 2019-06-19 17:10:16 | {"licenses": [{"name": "Apache-2.0", "source": "GITHUB"}]}
  • files table:
20464061 |             637072 | providers/salesforce/hooks/                                                                                                                                                                                         |          |            | {"licenses": [{"key": "apache-2.0", "spdx_license_key": "Apache-2.0"}, {"key": "apache-2.0", "spdx_license_key": "Apache-2.0"}]}
  1. Maven:
  • package_versions table:
169282 |      22672 | 1.0-rc1                                                        | OPAL         |                     -1 |              | 2014-01-22 18:15:52 | {"forge": "mvn", "groupId": "", "repoUrl": "scm:git:git://", "version": "1.0-rc1", "licenses": [{"name": "Apache-2.0", "source": "GITHUB"}], "commitTag": "HEAD", "artifactId": "auto-service", "sourcesUrl": "", "projectName": "AutoService", "releaseDate": 1390414552000, "dependencies": [{"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "compile", "groupId": "", "optional": false, "artifactId": "guava", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["16.0"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "test", "groupId": "", "optional": false, "artifactId": "compile-testing", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["0.3"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "test", "groupId": "junit", "optional": false, "artifactId": "junit", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["4.11"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "test", "groupId": "org.truth0", "optional": false, "artifactId": "truth", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["0.13"]}], "packagingType": "jar", "parentCoordinate": "", "artifactRepository": "", "dependencyManagement": [{"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "provided", "groupId": "javax.inject", "optional": false, "artifactId": "javax.inject", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["1"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "compile", "groupId": "com.squareup.dagger", "optional": false, "artifactId": "dagger", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["1.2.0"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "test", "groupId": "org.truth0", "optional": false, "artifactId": "truth", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["0.13"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "compile", "groupId": "com.squareup.dagger", "optional": true, "artifactId": "dagger-compiler", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["1.2.0"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "test", "groupId": "", "optional": false, "artifactId": "compile-testing", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["0.3"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "test", "groupId": "junit", "optional": false, "artifactId": "junit", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["4.11"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "compile", "groupId": "", "optional": false, "artifactId": "guava", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["16.0"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "provided", "groupId": "", "optional": false, "artifactId": "jsr305", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["1.3.9"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "compile", "groupId": "com.squareup", "optional": false, "artifactId": "javawriter", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["2.4.0"]}, {"id": 0, "type": "jar", "scope": "test", "groupId": "", "optional": false, "artifactId": "guava-testlib", "classifier": "", "exclusions": [], "versionConstraints": ["15.0"]}]}
  • files table:
78377 |                439 | com/beust/jcommander/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |          |            | {"licenses": [{"key": "apache-2.0", "spdx_license_key": "Apache-2.0"}, {"key": "apache-2.0", "spdx_license_key": "Apache-2.0"}]}

michelescarlato avatar Jun 04 '22 07:06 michelescarlato

What use case would a separate endpoint for licensing accomplish? For vulnerabilities we created the endpoints because we maintain a table separate from the metadata fields, which maps vulnerabilities to purls even if package-versions have not been ingested. I don't see need for licenses at the moment. Why not stick with inserting into just the metadata fields?

MagielBruntink avatar Jun 06 '22 12:06 MagielBruntink

Well, to perform license compliance verification (which is done through another service, called LCV) we need to get the data from the metadata field and parse them. Isolating the content of licenses : {} would make it clearer.

michelescarlato avatar Jun 07 '22 16:06 michelescarlato

Could you not just do GET /mvn/packages/{pkg}/{pkg_ver}/metadata and then grab the licenses field from that?

MagielBruntink avatar Jun 07 '22 17:06 MagielBruntink

That is what I am currently doing.

Are the APIs still down?

I am mocking many things while writing the PyPI plugin code.

michelescarlato avatar Jun 07 '22 17:06 michelescarlato

The mvn api is down, pypi and Debian are up.

MagielBruntink avatar Jun 07 '22 17:06 MagielBruntink

The Java REST API is down. I am still investigating the issue to solve it.

mir-am avatar Jun 07 '22 18:06 mir-am

Sorry guys (@MagielBruntink @mir-am @gdrosos ), If a package/packageVersion is not available on FASTEN, is it correct to receive a 404?

I thought we should provide a 500 error for missing information.

Here there are several calls that return 404:

Receive metadata from FASTEN:
Querying docopt:0.6.2: metadata something went wrong.
Querying idna:3.3: metadata something went wrong.
Querying urllib3:1.26.9: metadata something went wrong.
Querying charset-normalizer:2.0.12: metadata something went wrong.
Querying wheel:0.23.0: metadata something went wrong.
Querying requests:2.28.0: metadata something went wrong.
Querying yarg:0.1.9: metadata something went wrong.
Querying certifi:2022.5.18.1: metadata something went wrong.

All of them provide 404 and the message is: Package version not found

EDIT: sorry I just saw here that 404 is for missing packages. We were doing wrong in pypi-plugin.

michelescarlato avatar Jun 11 '22 09:06 michelescarlato