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Separating database for tests and dev

Open robido opened this issue 4 years ago • 13 comments

Each time the tests are run, a few random users are created. I can see that a problem when I want to test models, and then the database becomes cluttered really quickly, even if just in dev.

To have two databases, I tried to split env-postgres.env in two files: env-postgres.env env-postgres-test.env

Then in docker-compose.test.yml I changed the env_file entry to refer to the new env file.

After that, I run docker-compose up -d

When I try to run the tests, I get an error saying the database does not exist. If I create it manually it works, but more errors are showing because the migrations didn't run automatically. How is the database for the backend automatically created, and how can I do the same for the tests database?


robido avatar Mar 01 '20 06:03 robido

It looks like some of the tests access the API from the other container and does black box testing. I am not sure of a simple way to change the database to test these.

Some of the other tests (crud tests etc.) however, can be changed fairly easily to use a separate db.

What I did to achieve this is to add the following two fixtures in tests/conftest.py

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker

from app.db import session

from app.db.base_class import Base

from app.db import init_db
engine = None

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='session')
def database_session_fixture():
    global engine
    print("Before Session")

    conn = session.engine.connect()
    conn.execute('create database app_automated_tests')

    sqlalchemy_database_uri = (

    engine = create_engine(sqlalchemy_database_uri, pool_pre_ping=True)
    session.db_session = scoped_session(
        sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)
    session.Session = session.db_session


    print('after session')
    conn.execute("drop database if exists app_automated_tests")

def db_session():
    sess = session.Session()
    print("INit DB")
    yield sess

I then updated the crud tests, for example in test_item, I removed the following import from app.db.session import db_session

and updated each of the tests to take a parameter of db_session

I also had to update the create_random_user to take a db_session and use that instead of the global


import pytest
from app import crud
from app.schemas.item import ItemCreate, ItemUpdate
from app.tests.utils.user import create_random_user
from app.tests.utils.utils import random_lower_string

def test_create_item(db_session):
    title = random_lower_string()
    description = random_lower_string()
    item_in = ItemCreate(title=title, description=description)
    user = create_random_user(db_session)
    item = crud.item.create_with_owner(
        db_session=db_session, obj_in=item_in, owner_id=user.id
    assert item.title == title
    assert item.description == description
    assert item.owner_id == user.id

def test_get_item(db_session):
    title = random_lower_string()
    description = random_lower_string()
    item_in = ItemCreate(title=title, description=description)
    user = create_random_user(db_session)
    item = crud.item.create_with_owner(
        db_session=db_session, obj_in=item_in, owner_id=user.id
    stored_item = crud.item.get(db_session=db_session, id=item.id)
    assert item.id == stored_item.id
    assert item.title == stored_item.title
    assert item.description == stored_item.description
    assert item.owner_id == stored_item.owner_id

def test_update_item(db_session):
    title = random_lower_string()
    description = random_lower_string()
    item_in = ItemCreate(title=title, description=description)
    user = create_random_user(db_session)
    item = crud.item.create_with_owner(
        db_session=db_session, obj_in=item_in, owner_id=user.id
    description2 = random_lower_string()
    item_update = ItemUpdate(description=description2)
    item2 = crud.item.update(db_session=db_session, db_obj=item, obj_in=item_update)
    assert item.id == item2.id
    assert item.title == item2.title
    assert item2.description == description2
    assert item.owner_id == item2.owner_id

def test_delete_item(db_session):
    title = random_lower_string()
    description = random_lower_string()
    item_in = ItemCreate(title=title, description=description)
    user = create_random_user(db_session)
    item = crud.item.create_with_owner(db_session=db_session, obj_in=item_in, owner_id=user.id)
    item2 = crud.item.remove(db_session=db_session, id=item.id)
    item3 = crud.item.get(db_session=db_session, id=item.id)
    assert item3 is None
    assert item2.id == item.id
    assert item2.title == title
    assert item2.description == description
    assert item2.owner_id == user.id

and create_random_user from tests/utils/user.py

def create_random_user(db_session):
    email = random_lower_string()
    password = random_lower_string()
    user_in = UserCreate(username=email, email=email, password=password)
    user = crud.user.create(db_session=db_session, obj_in=user_in)
    return user

You will have to update all the cases where db_session is used to use the fixture instead.

I am also planning on using the FastAPI TestClient for testing the API instead of accessing it from the other docker container. By doing this, it should utilise the test database for that as well.

Hope that helps :)

drone-ah avatar Mar 11 '20 17:03 drone-ah

For the blackbox tests, you could probably use https://github.com/tiangolo/full-stack-fastapi-postgresql/issues/65 to run uvicorn in the test container and pass a reference to that as a fixture.

drone-ah avatar Mar 12 '20 08:03 drone-ah

@drone-ah thanks for your help. I stopped using this repo after trying to get it running for weeks, and I have not even tried the swarm production yet. I will certainly come back to it as it gains a bit more maturity, until then I will stay in Laravel, which for me I can set it up in 1 day in Heroku and get coding. It certainly has great potential, but I am not quite ready as a newcomer to Python, Docker, SQLAlchemy, etc... to solve all the issues to get this running out-of-the-box. I made a PR to improve the setup instructions for Windows users, but more is needed. For instance why is Jupyter included and how to use it? The learning curve for this repo is too high for me.

I'll definitely come back for another project, and I'll be happy to take the time to improve the tutorial as I discover this framework from a newcomer perspective.

robido avatar Mar 12 '20 13:03 robido

@robido, I agree that there is a bit of a steep learning curve in adoption, mainly because there is a lot of things being set up. I should point out that I only started using this a few days back myself - but had the same requirement as you - so wanted to pitch in ;)

I spent a lot of time in PHP land myself (mainly Drupal) and Python takes a little bit of getting used to for sure, but I haven't looked back.

I managed to get the uvicorn part working as well for the separation of tests as well.

I set up a test server entrypoint:


from fastapi import FastAPI
from app import main

from core import session, config

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker

sqlalchemy_database_uri = (

engine = create_engine(sqlalchemy_database_uri, pool_pre_ping=True)
db_session = scoped_session(
    sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)
Session = db_session

app = main.app

I then set up the fixture in tests/conftest.py

from multiprocessing import Process
import uvicorn
import time
def run_server():
    uvicorn.run("tests.test_server:app", port=8123)

def server_api():
    proc = Process(target=run_server, args=(), daemon=True)
    # maybe some sleep here to wait for server starts
    yield f"http://localhost:8123"
    proc.kill()  # Cleanup after test

I then used the fixture as mentioned in https://github.com/tiangolo/full-stack-fastapi-postgresql/issues/65

Turns out this was necessary for all the tests to pass. The tests use information from the database to make the API calls, and fail if they don't match.

With this place, the testing is entirely self contained.

If it's useful, I could make the updates to the repo and make a pull request.

drone-ah avatar Mar 12 '20 18:03 drone-ah

@drone-ah that is great thanks! I'll try it out when I am ready to try again with this framework. Cheers.

robido avatar Mar 12 '20 23:03 robido

Also would like to add after reading the documentation it would also be possible to override your dependencies. See Testing a Database and Settings and testing. So in this instance you can override get_db and switch it out with a testing database.

alexvanzyl avatar May 04 '20 07:05 alexvanzyl

Here is the solution I ended up going with. tests/utils/test_db.py

from pydantic import PostgresDsn
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker

from app.core.config import settings

engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL, pool_pre_ping=True)
TestingSessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)


from .test_db import TestingSessionLocal

def override_get_db():
        db = TestingSessionLocal()
        yield db


from typing import Generator

import pytest
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient

from app.api.deps import get_db
from app.db.base import Base
from app.main import app

from .utils.overrides import override_get_db
from .utils.test_db import TestingSessionLocal, engine

app.dependency_overrides[get_db] = override_get_db

def db() -> Generator:

    yield TestingSessionLocal()

def client() -> Generator:
    with TestClient(app) as c:
        yield c

alexvanzyl avatar May 04 '20 18:05 alexvanzyl

@alexvanzyl Nice! I also had to create the test db in scripts/test.sh:

docker-compose -f docker-stack.yml exec db sh -c 'psql -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${POSTGRES_DB}_test;" && psql  -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -c "CREATE DATABASE ${POSTGRES_DB}_test;"'
docker-compose -f docker-stack.yml exec -T backend bash /app/tests-start.sh "$@"
docker-compose -f docker-stack.yml exec db sh -c 'psql -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${POSTGRES_DB}_test;"'

Here is the solution I ended up going with. tests/utils/test_db.py

from pydantic import PostgresDsn
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker

from app.core.config import settings

engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL, pool_pre_ping=True)
TestingSessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)


from .test_db import TestingSessionLocal

def override_get_db():
        db = TestingSessionLocal()
        yield db


from typing import Generator

import pytest
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient

from app.api.deps import get_db
from app.db.base import Base
from app.main import app

from .utils.overrides import override_get_db
from .utils.test_db import TestingSessionLocal, engine

app.dependency_overrides[get_db] = override_get_db

def db() -> Generator:

    yield TestingSessionLocal()

def client() -> Generator:
    with TestClient(app) as c:
        yield c

lazToum avatar May 09 '20 16:05 lazToum

Actually it can be a lot easier. We can override the POSTGRES_DB variable: in docker-compose.yml:

      # Allow explicit env var override for tests

in scripts/test.sh:

DOMAIN=backend \
POSTGRES_DB="app_test" \
docker-compose \
-f docker-compose.yml \
config > docker-stack.yml

lazToum avatar May 09 '20 16:05 lazToum

@lazToum that's actually perfect! I was running my tests inside an already running container so I resorted to using SQLAlchemy-Utils to check if the DB exists and create it.

def db() -> Generator:
    if not database_exists(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL):


    yield TestingSessionLocal()

alexvanzyl avatar May 13 '20 05:05 alexvanzyl

It's a work in progress but you can check my implementation on https://github.com/sheoak/fastapi-backend/blob/1f5471e030ce52483de5e803704e955e4d9ed4b5/app/tests/conftest.py#L117

I reset the database after every integration test using a rollback.

sheoak avatar Jun 27 '20 10:06 sheoak

This thread saved my night! Thank you all, keep up the good work 😎 💪

pmsoltani avatar Sep 01 '20 19:09 pmsoltani

@alexvanzyl Thanks a lot for your solution!

The only thing i'm running into with this is, the overriden parts get_db() not being included by coverage (obviously :P).

Is there any drawback of attaching a # pragma: no cover to this function? Or should there be a separate test for this then?

TheGreatRefrigerator avatar Dec 01 '20 10:12 TheGreatRefrigerator