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A fast admin dashboard based on FastAPI and TortoiseORM with tabler ui, inspired by Django admin

Results 61 fastapi-admin issues
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I just a came across this project and it looks very cool. One thing that I was wondering while reading through the code is whether Redis is actually needed here?...

Hello, I'm trying to connect my fastapi admin app with a Serverless Database with Redis API (upstash). If I execute uvicorn examples.main:app_ instead of docker-compose, it works and connect properly...

1. optimize 404 html, It can jump to login page. 2. add UUID inout widget. 3. input add argument default_factory. 4. json input add default argument. 5. input.html add readonly...

I just spotted a minor UI issue. Actions popup not being displayed properly. ![image](

help wanted

Hello! Please tell me created models: role, permission, resource. Everything is as in the example. I give users the right to view, but when I go under the right user,...

We have FastAPI project and our team decided to integrate this lib into it, everything went well until we faced localization issue. As far as pybabel runs only by make...

mainapp | await, force_create=True) mainapp | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tortoise/", line 927, in save mainapp | await self._pre_save(db, update_fields) mainapp | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tortoise/", line 875, in _pre_save mainapp | await asyncio.gather(*listeners)...

* In recourse model class method for data validation is extracted * More error handling added in create / update request handlers * Error message rendering added into create /...