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Support private PyPI repositories
This issue is related to the following conversation from fast.ai forum: https://forums.fast.ai/t/nbdev-for-private-pypi-repositories-and-poetry-package-management/100523
Goal of the issue
- To gauge the interest in nbdev supporting private PyPi repos (e.g. GCP Artifact Registry).
- To discuss the best way to integrate private PyPi repo support into nbdev.
If there's interest, I'd be happy to make the contribution.
nbdev does not support dependencies from private PyPi repositories.
Changing the following line in nbdev CI workflow:
test -f setup.py && pip install -e ".[dev]"
test -f setup.py && pip install --extra-index-url https://$PYPIUSER:$PYPIPASSWORD@$PYPISERVER -e ".[dev]"
fixes the issue.
+1 for interest - this would be a big win for being able to use this for work!
Option 1. Doing it without nbdev
How to publish a package to a private pypi server:
test -f setup.py && rm -rf dist build *.egg-info .eggs
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload --repository-url <URL> --username <PYPI_USERNAME> --password <PYPI_PASSWORD> dist/*
How to then install the package from a private pypi server:
pip install --extra-index-url "http://<PYPI_USERNAME>:<PYPI_PASSWORD>@" private_package
Change the placeholders:
: The URL of your private PyPI repository. -
: The username for accessing your private PyPI repository. -
: The password for accessing your private PyPI repository. -
: The placeholder IP address of your private PyPI repository. -
: The placeholder port number for your private PyPI repository. -
: The private package you want to install.
Option 2. Using nbdev to do it
nbdev itself doesn't do anything different, as seen in their def release_pypi
function in https://github.com/fastai/nbdev/blob/3f0266328c2537a35487767288bc4283308f7048/nbs/api/18_release.ipynb#L748
In fact, you probably can just create a ~/.pypirc file like
index-servers =
repository: https://pypi.example.com
username: user
and just pass release_pypi(repository="private")
and you will be able to upload to your private PyPI server.
Existing threads related to this topic
- https://forums.fast.ai/t/nbdev-for-private-pypi-repositories-and-poetry-package-management/100523/4
- https://github.com/fastai/nbdev/issues/1304