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LanguageModelData not defined
hello, i was following the tutorial. and in this code give me an error
trn_dl = LanguageModelLoader(pd.DataFrame(trn_lm,columns=['x']), bs, bptt)
val_dl = LanguageModelLoader(pd.DataFrame(trn_lm,columns=['x']), bs, bptt)
md = LanguageModelData(PATH_MODELS, 1, vs, trn_dl, val_dl, bs=bs, bptt=bptt)
NameError: name 'LanguageModelData' is not defined
i was check on this file and there are no class 'LanguageModelData' . and on this doc at 'Language Model Data' at the bottom say 'This is all done internally when we use TextLMDataBunch, by creating DataLoader using the following class:'
its that mean the class LanguageModelData was refactored to TextLMDataBunch ?
i will used fastai for production so i used the new version of fastai. so how to fix that problem with the new version of fastai?
I have the same problem
if you using v1. just only read the documentation of fastai v1, dont see the course/tutorial with v0.6 that make us confused. that my problem while first time using fastai.
if you using v1. just only read the documentation of fastai v1, dont see the course/tutorial with v0.6 that make us confused. that my problem while first time using fastai.
So, does this method exist in version 0.6 or in version 1.0? Which version should I choose? How did you solve it? I find coursev3, but no video. Thanks a lot.
that the code for v.0.6
take the v.1 read the documentation wait for the course v3
So, what's the equivalent of LanguageModelData in V.1?
forget about it, just read the documentation v.1 if you read v.06 code and used v1 you will be confused better if you forget all about v.06 and learn from the beginning with v.1
@alibaltschun Ok thanks. Any link to a tutorial of V.1?
@frannievas hope you will find this useful:
@zsquaredz Thanks!
@frannievas , did you resolve the issue?. I am stuck in finding alternative of LanguageModelData
@brij1823 In the end, I ended up using the newest version of FastAI and following the new courses/tutorials