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Translate.ipynb =>> load_array in load_glove doesn't work!
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: [path to the file]/meta/sizes
Hi, I was struggling to generate the glove.dat file from glove.txt file but I found that one function in the is missing which is get_glove.
if you are facing the above problem while running the translate.ipynb file you can add the get_glove function in the which I have provided below and call get_glove function before load_glove function.
def get_glove(name, path, res_path):
with open(path+ 'glove.' + name + '.txt', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: lines = [line.split() for line in f]
words = [d[0] for d in lines]
vecs = np.stack(np.array(d[1:], dtype=np.float32) for d in lines)
wordidx = {o:i for i,o in enumerate(words)}
save_array(res_path+name+'.dat', vecs)
pickle.dump(words, open(res_path+name+'_words.pkl','wb'))
pickle.dump(wordidx, open(res_path+name+'_idx.pkl','wb'))